All controls

The following sections give the full overview and documentation of the control options in BASTA. For the recommended set of control options for each fitting case BASTA is used for, see instead Examples of fits.

The methods employed are described in the BASTA papers, while the following is the documentation of how the controls for these methods are adjusted. The documentation follows the structure of the define_input() template function in BASTA/examples/, separated into individual sections for each control group (python dictionary) being:

For examples of input files for each fitting case, with the recommended options, see the template files BASTA/examples/xmlinput/create_inputfile_*.py.

When the control options have been set, the fit is performed (as explained in Running BASTA) by creating the xml input file, which is then run by BASTA. This is done using the commands

source bastaenv/bin/activate
BASTArun input_myfit.xml