Source code for downloader

Routines to download assets
import os
import gzip
import shutil
import requests
import argparse
from tqdm import tqdm

# Import dusmaps configuration (the maps themselves are slow)
from dustmaps.config import config


[docs] def get_basta_dir(): """ Helper to obtain location of BASTA root directory """ rootdir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(__file__), "..")) ) return rootdir
[docs] def get_grid(case, gridpath=None): """ Download a grid from the BASTAcode grid repository. Will be stored in the default location: BASTA/grids/ . Parameters ---------- case : str Which grid to download. Possible value: "16CygA", "validation", "iso". Returns ------- None """ # Settings block_size = 1024 tqdm_settings = { "unit": "B", "unit_scale": True, "unit_divisor": 1024, "ascii": True, "desc": "--> Progress", } # Mapping to download location baseurl = "" # Resolve grid name and location if case == "iso": gridname = "BaSTI_iso2018.hdf5" elif case in ["16CygA", "validation", "validation_new-weights"]: gridname = "Garstec_{0}.hdf5".format(case) else: raise ValueError("Unknown grid!") url = os.path.join(baseurl, "{0}.gz".format(gridname)) # Default or user-defined location? if gridpath: basedir = os.path.abspath(gridpath) else: home = get_basta_dir() basedir = os.path.join(home, "grids") # Make sure target exists if not os.path.exists(basedir): os.makedirs(basedir) # Obtain the grid if it does not exist gridpath = os.path.join(basedir, gridname) if not os.path.exists(gridpath): try: # Step 1: Download gz_tmp = gridpath + ".gz" print("Downloading '{0}' to '{1}'".format(gridname, gz_tmp)) res = requests.get(url, stream=True) res.raise_for_status() total_size = int(res.headers.get("content-length", 0)) with tqdm(total=total_size, **tqdm_settings) as pbar: with open(gz_tmp, "wb") as fid: for data in res.iter_content(block_size): datasize = fid.write(data) pbar.update(datasize) # Step 2: Extract print( "Decompressing grid into '{0}' ... ".format(gridpath), end="", flush=True, ) with, "rb") as fin: with open(gridpath, "wb") as fout: shutil.copyfileobj(fin, fout) print("done!") except Exception: if os.path.exists(gridpath): shutil.rmtree(gridpath) raise finally: if os.path.exists(gz_tmp): os.remove(gz_tmp) else: print("The grid '{0}' already exists! Will not download.".format(gridpath))
[docs] def get_dustmaps(dustpath=None, skip=False): """ Configure dustmaps and download if necessary Parameters ---------- dustpath : str, optional Where to store/find dustmaps skip : bool, optional Skip the download of the dustmaps Returns ------- None """ home = get_basta_dir() # Default or user-defined location? if dustpath: dustfolder = os.path.abspath(dustpath) else: dustfolder = os.path.join(home, "dustmaps") # Configure package to use the specified path config["data_dir"] = dustfolder print("\n=========================") print("Location of dustmaps: {0}".format(dustfolder)) if not os.path.exists(dustfolder): os.mkdir(dustfolder) # Write dustmap datafolder to file with open(os.path.join(home, "basta", DUSTMAPFILE), "w") as f: f.write("__dustpath__ = '{0}'\n".format(dustfolder)) # Install if required if not skip: print("Obtaining dustmaps!") # SFD/Schlegel dustmap print("\nFetching the SFD dustmap ...\n", flush=True) import dustmaps.sfd dustmaps.sfd.fetch() print("\nDone!") print("----------") # Bayestar/Green dustmap print("\nFetching the Bayestar dustmap ...\n", flush=True) import dustmaps.bayestar dustmaps.bayestar.fetch() print("\nDone!") else: print("Assuming dustmaps to be available without download!")
[docs] def main(): """ Run the downloader """ helptext = ( "Download assets for BASTA. Currently, it will download grids and dustmaps." ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=helptext) # Argument: Which grid to download # --> Only these grids are supported allowed_grids = [ "16CygA", "validation", "iso", "validation_new-weights", ] parser.add_argument( "grid", help="The grid to download. Allowed cases: {0}".format(allowed_grids) ) # Optional argument: Where to save the grid parser.add_argument( "--gridpath", type=str, help="Store grid in non-standard location." ) # Optional argument: Location of dustmaps parser.add_argument( "--dustpath", type=str, help="Store dustmaps in non-standard location (will make BASTA search in this location at runtime)", ) # Optional argument: Don't download dustmaps parser.add_argument( "--no-dustmaps", action="store_true", help="Skip download of dustmaps. Warning: BASTA will not work if they are not available.", ) # Parse and check args = parser.parse_args() if args.grid not in allowed_grids: raise ValueError( "Unknown grid requsted! Select from: {0}".format(allowed_grids) ) get_grid(case=args.grid, gridpath=args.gridpath) get_dustmaps(dustpath=args.dustpath, skip=args.no_dustmaps)