Source code for freq_fit

Fitting of frequencies and frequency-dependent properties.
import numpy as np
import itertools
from sklearn import linear_model
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline

from basta import utils_seismic as su

Individual frequencies

[docs] def compute_dnu_wfit(obskey, obs, numax): """ Compute large frequency separation weighted around numax, the same way as dnufit. Coefficients based on White et al. 2011. Parameters ---------- obskey : array Array containing the angular degrees and radial orders of obs obs : array Individual frequencies and uncertainties. numax : scalar Frequency of maximum power Returns ------- dnu : scalar Large frequency separation obtained by fitting the radial mode observed frequencies. dnu_err : scalar Uncertainty on dnudata. """ FWHM_sigma = 2.0 * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.log(2.0)) yfitdnu = obs[0, obskey[0, :] == 0] xfitdnu = np.arange(0, len(yfitdnu)) xfitdnu = obskey[1, obskey[0, :] == 0] wfitdnu = np.exp( -1.0 * np.power(yfitdnu - numax, 2) / (2 * np.power(0.25 * numax / FWHM_sigma, 2.0)) ) fitcoef, fitcov = np.polyfit(xfitdnu, yfitdnu, 1, w=np.sqrt(wfitdnu), cov=True) dnu, dnu_err = fitcoef[0], np.sqrt(fitcov[0, 0]) return dnu, dnu_err
[docs] def make_intervals(osc, osckey, dnu=None): """ This function computes the interval bins used in the frequency mapping in :func:`freqfit.calc_join()`. Parameters ---------- osc : array Array containing either model or observed modes. osckey : array Array containing the angular degrees and radial orders of osc dnu : float, optional Large frequency separation in microhertz. If left None, the large frequency separation will be computed as the median difference between consecutive l=0 modes. Returns ------- intervals : array Array containing the endpoints of the intervals used in the frequency fitting routine in :func:`freq_fit.calc_join``. """ # Get l=0 modes osckeyl0, oscl0 = su.get_givenl(l=0, osc=osc, osckey=osckey) fl0 = oscl0[0, :] nl0 = osckeyl0[1, :] if dnu is None: dnu = np.median(np.diff(fl0)) # limit is a fugde factor that determines the size in frequency of a gap limit = 1.9 difffl0 = np.diff(fl0) > (limit * dnu) # Fix gaps in l=0 by generating 'fake' l=0 used in the intervals while np.any(difffl0): print("Warning: gap in l=0 detected!") i = np.nonzero(difffl0)[0][0] fl0 = np.insert(fl0, i + 1, fl0[i] + dnu) difffl0 = np.diff(fl0) > (limit * dnu) # Make the binning intervals = np.arange(nl0[0] + 1) * -dnu + fl0[0] intervals = intervals[::-1] intervals = np.concatenate((intervals, fl0[1:-1])) upper = np.arange(np.amax(osckey[1, :]) + 2 - len(intervals)) * dnu + fl0[-1] intervals = np.concatenate((intervals, upper)) return intervals
[docs] def calc_join(mod, modkey, obs, obskey, obsintervals=None, dnu=None): """ This functions maps the observed modes to the model modes. Parameters ---------- mod : array Array containing the modes in the model. modkey : array Array containing the angular degrees and radial orders of mod obs : array Array containing the modes in the observed data obskey : array Array containing the angular degrees and radial orders of obs obsintervals : array, optional Array containing the endpoints of the intervals used in the frequency fitting routine in freq_fit.calc_join. As it is the same in all iterations for the observed frequencies, when computing chi2, this is computed in su.prepare_obs once and given as an argument in order to save time. If obsintervals is None, it will be computed. dnu : float, optional Large frequency separation in microhertz used for the computation of `obsintervals`. If left None, the large frequency separation will be computed as the median difference between consecutive l=0 modes. Returns ------- joins : list or None List containing joinkeys and join. * joinkeys : int array Array containing the mapping of model mode to the observed mode. Model mode (l=joinkeys[i, 0], n=joinkeys[i, 1]) is mapped to observed mode (l=joinkeys[i, 0], n=joinkeys[i, 2]). * join : array Array containing the model frequency, model inertia, observed frequency, uncertainty in observed frequency for a pair of mapped modes. Model mode (l=joinkeys[i, 0], n=joinkeys[i, 1]) has frequency join[i, 0], inertia join[i, 1]. Observed mode (l=joinkeys[i, 0], n=joinkeys[i, 2]) has frequency join[i, 2] and uncertainty join[i, 3]. """ # Move obsintervals out to optimize (as it is the same every time) if obsintervals is None: obsintervals = make_intervals(osc=obs, osckey=obskey, dnu=dnu) modintervals = make_intervals(osc=mod, osckey=modkey) # Initialise join = [] joinkeys = [] # Count the number of observed and modelled modes in each bin for l in [0, 1, 2]: obskey_givenl, obs_givenl = su.get_givenl(l=l, osc=obs, osckey=obskey) modkey_givenl, mod_givenl = su.get_givenl(l=l, osc=mod, osckey=modkey) nobs = obskey_givenl[1, :] nmod = modkey_givenl[1, :] fobs, eobs = obs_givenl fmod, emod = mod_givenl minlength = min(len(obsintervals), len(modintervals)) for i in range(minlength - 1): ofilter = (obsintervals[i] <= fobs) & (fobs < obsintervals[i + 1]) mfilter = (modintervals[i] <= fmod) & (fmod < modintervals[i + 1]) msum = np.sum(mfilter) osum = np.sum(ofilter) if osum > 0: # & (msum > 0): if msum == osum: pass elif msum > osum: # Look at the inertia at k=osum+1 emodsort = np.sort(emod[mfilter]) ke = emodsort[osum] # Divide the modes into three area: sure, maybe & discard # This is done by arbitarily choosing that # everything with inertias below ke/10 should be matched, # everything with inertias higher than 10*ke are not, # and a subset of the in-between is selected based on the # the distance in frequency space. avedist = (emodsort[osum] - emodsort[0]) / (osum + 1) sure = (emod < (ke / 10)) & (mfilter) maybe = ( (emod < np.amax((ke + (avedist), emodsort[0] * 10))) & (~sure) & (mfilter) ) maybe = maybe.nonzero()[0] sure = sure.nonzero()[0] bestchi2 = np.inf solution = None if len(sure) == osum: solution = sure else: # Here we check all subsets of maybe. # First, find the proper offset if osum == 1: offset = offsets[ (np.abs(matched_l0s[2, :] - fmod[mfilter][0])).argmin() ] else: offset = 0 for ss in itertools.combinations(maybe, osum - len(sure)): subset = np.sort(np.concatenate((ss, sure))) fmodsubset = fmod[subset] # offs = [(np.abs(matched_l0s[2, :] - f)).argmin() # for f in fmodsubset] chi2 = np.sum(np.abs((fmodsubset - offset - fobs[ofilter]))) if chi2 < bestchi2: bestchi2 = chi2 solution = subset assert solution is not None mfilter = np.zeros(len(mfilter), dtype=bool) mfilter[solution] = True elif msum < osum: # If more observed modes than model, move on to next model return None joinkeys.append( np.transpose( [l * np.ones(osum, dtype=int), nmod[mfilter], nobs[ofilter]] ) ) join.append( np.transpose( [fmod[mfilter], emod[mfilter], fobs[ofilter], eobs[ofilter]] ) ) if l == 0: # Compute the offset due to the surface effect to use in the case # of mixed modes for the l=1 and l=2 matching. same_ns = np.transpose(np.concatenate(joinkeys))[1, :] matched_l0s = np.transpose(np.concatenate(join)) # Compute offset # modmask = [mode in same_ns for mode in modkey_givenl[1, :]] # obsmask = [mode in same_ns for mode in obskey_givenl[1, :]] # offsets = mod_givenl[0, modmask] - obs_givenl[0, obsmask] offsets = matched_l0s[0, :] - matched_l0s[2, :] if len(join) != 0: joins = [ np.transpose(np.concatenate(joinkeys)), np.transpose(np.concatenate(join)), ] return joins else: return None
[docs] def HK08(joinkeys, join, nuref, bcor): """ Kjeldsen frequency correction Correcting stellar oscillation frequencies for near-surface effects following the approach in Hans Kjeldsen, Timothy R. Bedding, and Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard. "Correcting stellar oscillation frequencies for near-surface effects." `The Astrophysical Journal Letters 683.2 (2008): L175.` The correction has the form: .. math:: r\\nu{corr} - \\nu{model} = \\frac{a}{Q}\\left(\\frac{\\nu{model}}{\\nu_{max}}\\right)^b . Parameters ---------- joinkeys : int array Array containing the mapping of model mode to the observed mode. Model mode (l=joinkeys[i, 0], n=joinkeys[i, 1]) is mapped to observed mode (l=joinkeys[i, 0], n=joinkeys[i, 2]). join : array Array containing the model frequency, model inertia, observed frequency, uncertainty in observed frequency for a pair of mapped modes. Model mode (l=joinkeys[i, 0], n=joinkeys[i, 1]) has frequency join[i, 0], inertia join[i, 1]. Observed mode (l=joinkeys[i, 0], n=joinkeys[i, 2]) has frequency join[i, 2] and uncertainty join[i, 3]. nuref : float The reference frequency used in the Kjeldsen correction. Normally the reference frequency used is numax of the observed star or numax of the Sun, but it shouldn't make a difference. bcor : float The exponent in the Kjeldsen correction. Returns ------- cormod : array Array containing the corrected model frequencies and the unchanged mode inertias in the same format as the osc-arrays. coeffs : array Array containing the coefficients in the found correction. """ # Unpacking for readability # If we do not have many modes but many mixed modes: only use l=0 _, joinl0 = su.get_givenl(l=0, osc=join, osckey=joinkeys) f_modell0 = joinl0[0, :] e_modell0 = joinl0[1, :] f_obsl0 = joinl0[2, :] f_model = join[0, :] e_model = join[1, :] f_obs = join[2, :] e_obs = join[3, :] # Interpolate inertia to l=0 inertia at same frequency interp_inertia = np.interp(f_model, f_modell0, e_modell0) # Calculate Q's q_nl = e_model / interp_inertia # Compute quantities used in the Kjelden et al. 2008 paper dnuavD = np.mean(np.diff(f_obsl0)) dnuavM = np.mean(np.diff(f_modell0)) rpar = (bcor - 1) / (bcor * (np.mean(f_model) / np.mean(f_obs)) - dnuavM / dnuavD) acor = ( len(f_obs) * (np.mean(f_obs) - rpar * np.mean(f_model)) / np.sum(((f_obs / nuref) ** bcor) / q_nl) ) coeffs = [rpar, acor, bcor] # Apply the frequency correction corosc = apply_HK08(modkey=joinkeys, mod=join, coeffs=coeffs, scalnu=nuref) corjoin = np.copy(join) corjoin[0, :] = np.asarray(corosc) return corjoin, coeffs
[docs] def apply_HK08(modkey, mod, coeffs, scalnu): """ Applies the HK08 frequency correction to frequency for a given set of coefficients Parameters ---------- modkey : array Array containing the angular degrees and radial orders of mod. mod : array Array containing the modes in the model. coeffs : list List containing [rpar, acor, bcor] used in the HK08 correction. scalnu : float A scaling frequency used purely to non-dimensionalize the frequencies. Returns ------- corosc : array Array containing the corrected model frequencies. """ # Unpack f_model = mod[0, :] e_model = mod[1, :] modkeyl0, modl0 = su.get_givenl(l=0, osc=mod, osckey=modkey) f_modell0 = modl0[0, :] e_modell0 = modl0[1, :] # Interpolate inertia to l=0 inertia at same frequency interp_inertia = np.interp(f_model, f_modell0, e_modell0) # Calculate Q's q_nl = e_model / interp_inertia corosc = (f_model / coeffs[0]) + (coeffs[1] / (coeffs[0] * q_nl)) * ( (f_model / scalnu) ** coeffs[2] ) return corosc
[docs] def cubicBG14(joinkeys, join, scalnu, method="l1", onlyl0=False): """ Ball & Gizon frequency correction Correcting stellar oscillation frequencies for near-surface effects. This routine follows the approach from Warrick H. Ball and Laurent Gizon. "A new correction of stellar oscillation frequencies for near-surface effects." Astronomy & Astrophysics 568 (2014): A123. The correction has the form: .. math:: d\\nu = \\frac{b \\left(\\frac{\\nu}{\\nu_{scal}}\\right)^3}{I} where :math:`b` are the found parameters, :math:`\\nu_{scal}` is a scaling frequency used to non-dimensionalize the frequencies :math:`\\nu`, and :math:`I` is the mode inertia for each mode. Parameters ---------- joinkeys : int array Array containing the mapping of model mode to the observed mode. Model mode (l=joinkeys[i, 0], n=joinkeys[i, 1]) is mapped to observed mode (l=joinkeys[i, 0], n=joinkeys[i, 2]). join : array Array containing the model frequency, model inertia, observed frequency, uncertainty in observed frequency for a pair of mapped modes. Model mode (l=joinkeys[i, 0], n=joinkeys[i, 1]) has frequency join[i, 0], inertia join[i, 1]. Observed mode (l=joinkeys[i, 0], n=joinkeys[i, 2]) has frequency join[i, 2] and uncertainty join[i, 3]. scalnu : float A scaling frequency used purely to non-dimensionalize the frequencies. method : string, optional The name of the fitting method used. It can be 'ransac' (default), 'l1', or 'l2'. onlyl0 : bool Flag that if True only computes the correction based on the l=0 modes. This can be usefull if not many modes have been observed. Returns ------- cormod : array Array containing the corrected model frequencies and the unchanged mode inertias in the same format as the osc-arrays. coeffs : array Array containing the coefficients a and b to the found correction. """ # Unpacking for readability # If we do not have many modes but many mixed modes: only use l=0 if onlyl0: _, joinl0 = su.get_givenl(l=0, osc=join, osckey=joinkeys) f_model = joinl0[0, :] f_inertia = joinl0[1, :] f_obs = joinl0[2, :] f_unc = joinl0[3, :] else: f_model = join[0, :] f_inertia = join[1, :] f_obs = join[2, :] f_unc = join[3, :] # Initialize vector y and matrix X nmodes = len(f_obs) y = np.zeros((nmodes, 1)) matX = np.zeros((nmodes, 1)) # Filling in y and X y[:, 0] = (f_obs - f_model) / f_unc matX[:, 0] = np.power((f_model / scalnu), 3) / (f_inertia * f_unc) # Try for the l1-norm minimization def l1(params, data, labels): prediction =, params.reshape(-1, 1)) dist = prediction - labels return (np.abs(dist)).sum() def l2(params, data, labels): prediction =, params.reshape(-1, 1)) dist = prediction - labels return (dist**2).sum() if method == "ransac": np.random.seed(5) lr = linear_model.LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False) ransac = linear_model.RANSACRegressor(lr), y) coeffs = ransac.estimator_.coef_.reshape(-1, 1) coeffs = np.asarray([coeffs[0][0]]) elif method == "l1": initial_params = np.zeros(1) res = minimize(l1, initial_params, method="Nelder-Mead", args=(matX, y)) coeffs = res.x coeffs = np.asarray([coeffs[0]]) elif method == "l2": # Calculation of coefficients using Penrose-Moore coefficients # XTXinv = np.linalg.inv(, matX)) # XTy =, y) # coeffs =, XTy) # Or shorter (and more efficient): l2res = np.linalg.lstsq(matX, y)[0] coeffs = np.array([l2res[0][0]]) # Apply the frequency correction corjoin = np.copy(join) corosc = apply_cubicBG14(modkey=joinkeys, mod=join, coeffs=coeffs, scalnu=scalnu) corjoin[0, :] = corosc return corjoin, coeffs
[docs] def apply_cubicBG14(modkey, mod, coeffs, scalnu): """ Applies the BG14 cubic frequency correction to frequency for a given set of coefficients Parameters ---------- modkey : array Array containing the angular degrees and radial orders of mod. mod : array Array containing the modes in the model. coeffs : list List containing the two coefficients used in the BG14 correction. scalnu : float A scaling frequency used purely to non-dimensionalize the frequencies. Returns ------- corosc : array Array containing the corrected model frequencies. """ corosc = [] # The correction is applied to all model modes with non-zero inertia for l in [0, 1, 2]: lmask = modkey[0, :] == l df = (coeffs[0] * np.power((mod[0, lmask] / scalnu), 3)) / (mod[1, lmask]) corosc.append(mod[0, lmask] + df) corosc = np.asarray(np.concatenate(corosc)) return corosc
[docs] def BG14(joinkeys, join, scalnu, method="l1", onlyl0=False): """ Ball & Gizon frequency correction Correcting stellar oscillation frequencies for near-surface effects. This routine follows the approach from Warrick H. Ball and Laurent Gizon. "A new correction of stellar oscillation frequencies for near-surface effects." Astronomy & Astrophysics 568 (2014): A123. The correction has the form: .. math:: d\\nu = \\frac{a \\left(\\frac{\\nu}{\\nu_{scal}}\\right)^{-1} + b \\left(\\frac{\\nu}{\\nu_{scal}}\\right)^3}{I} where :math:`a` and :math:`b` are the found parameters, :math:`\\nu_{scal}` is a scaling frequency used to non-dimensionalize the frequencies :math:`\\nu`, and :math:`I` is the mode inertia for each mode. Parameters ---------- joinkeys : int array Array containing the mapping of model mode to the observed mode. Model mode (l=joinkeys[i, 0], n=joinkeys[i, 1]) is mapped to observed mode (l=joinkeys[i, 0], n=joinkeys[i, 2]). join : array Array containing the model frequency, model inertia, observed frequency, uncertainty in observed frequency for a pair of mapped modes. Model mode (l=joinkeys[i, 0], n=joinkeys[i, 1]) has frequency join[i, 0], inertia join[i, 1]. Observed mode (l=joinkeys[i, 0], n=joinkeys[i, 2]) has frequency join[i, 2] and uncertainty join[i, 3]. scalnu : float A scaling frequency used purely to non-dimensionalize the frequencies. method : string, optional The name of the fitting method used. It can be 'ransac' (default), 'l1', or 'l2'. onlyl0 : bool Flag that if True only computes the correction based on the l=0 modes. This can be usefull if not many modes have been observed. Returns ------- cormod : array Array containing the corrected model frequencies and the unchanged mode inertias in the same format as the osc-arrays. coeffs : array Array containing the coefficients a and b to the found correction. """ # Unpacking for readability # If we do not have many modes but many mixed modes: only use l=0 if onlyl0: _, joinl0 = su.get_givenl(l=0, osc=join, osckey=joinkeys) f_model = joinl0[0, :] f_inertia = joinl0[1, :] f_obs = joinl0[2, :] f_unc = joinl0[3, :] else: f_model = join[0, :] f_inertia = join[1, :] f_obs = join[2, :] f_unc = join[3, :] # Initialize vector y and matrix X nmodes = len(f_obs) y = np.zeros((nmodes, 1)) matX = np.zeros((nmodes, 2)) # Filling in y and X y[:, 0] = (f_obs - f_model) / f_unc matX[:, 0] = np.power((f_model / scalnu), -1) / (f_inertia * f_unc) matX[:, 1] = np.power((f_model / scalnu), 3) / (f_inertia * f_unc) # Try for the l1-norm minimization def l1(params, data, labels): prediction =, params.reshape(-1, 1)) dist = prediction - labels return (np.abs(dist)).sum() def l2(params, data, labels): prediction =, params.reshape(-1, 1)) dist = prediction - labels return (dist**2).sum() if method == "ransac": np.random.seed(5) lr = linear_model.LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False) ransac = linear_model.RANSACRegressor(lr), y) coeffs = ransac.estimator_.coef_.reshape(-1, 1) coeffs = np.asarray([coeffs[0][0], coeffs[1][0]]) elif method == "l1": initial_params = np.zeros(2) res = minimize(l1, initial_params, method="Nelder-Mead", args=(matX, y)) coeffs = res.x coeffs = np.asarray([coeffs[0], coeffs[1]]) elif method == "l2": # Calculation of coefficients using Penrose-Moore coefficients # XTXinv = np.linalg.inv(, matX)) # XTy =, y) # coeffs =, XTy) # Or shorter (and more efficient): l2res = np.linalg.lstsq(matX, y)[0] coeffs = np.array([l2res[0][0], l2res[1][0]]) # Apply the frequency correction corjoin = np.copy(join) corosc = apply_BG14(modkey=joinkeys, mod=join, coeffs=coeffs, scalnu=scalnu) corjoin[0, :] = corosc return corjoin, coeffs
[docs] def apply_BG14(modkey, mod, coeffs, scalnu): """ Applies the BG14 frequency correction to frequency for a given set of coefficients Parameters ---------- modkey : array Array containing the angular degrees and radial orders of mod. mod : array Array containing the modes in the model. coeffs : list List containing the two coefficients used in the BG14 correction. scalnu : float A scaling frequency used purely to non-dimensionalize the frequencies. Returns ------- corosc : array Array containing the corrected model frequencies. """ corosc = [] # The correction is applied to all model modes with non-zero inertia for l in [0, 1, 2]: lmask = modkey[0, :] == l df = ( coeffs[0] * np.power((mod[0, lmask] / scalnu), -1) + coeffs[1] * np.power((mod[0, lmask] / scalnu), 3) ) / (mod[1, lmask]) corosc.append(mod[0, lmask] + df) corosc = np.asarray(np.concatenate(corosc)) return corosc
""" Frequency ratios """
[docs] def compute_ratios(obskey, obs, ratiotype, nrealisations=10000, threepoint=False): """ Routine to compute the ratios r02, r01 and r10 from oscillation frequencies, and return the desired ratio sequence, both individual and combined sequences, along with their covariance matrix and its inverse. Developers note: We currently do not store identifying information of the sequence origin in the combined sequences. We rely on them being constructed/sorted identically when computed. Parameters ---------- obskey : array Harmonic degrees, radial orders and radial orders of frequencies. obs : array Frequencies and their error, following the structure of obs. ratiotype : str Which ratio sequence to determine, see constants.freqtypes.rtypes for possible sequences. nrealizations : int Number of realizations of the sampling for the computation of the covariance matrix. threepoint : bool If True, use three point definition of r01 and r10 ratios instead of default five point definition. Returns ------- ratio : array Ratio requested from `ratiotype`. ratio_cov : array Covariance matrix of the requested ratio. """ ratio = compute_ratioseqs(obskey, obs, ratiotype, threepoint=threepoint) # Check for valid return if ratio is None: return None ratio_cov = su.compute_cov_from_mc( ratio.shape[1], obskey, obs, ratiotype, args={"threepoint": threepoint}, nrealisations=nrealisations, ) return ratio, ratio_cov
[docs] def compute_ratioseqs(obskey, obs, sequence, threepoint=False): """ Routine to compute the ratios r02, r01 and r10 from oscillation frequencies, and return the desired ratio sequence, both individual and combined sequences. Developers note: We currently do not store identifying information of the sequence origin in the combined sequences. We rely on them being constructed/sorted identically when computed. Parameters ---------- obskey : array Harmonic degrees, radial orders and radial orders of frequencies obs : array Frequencies and their error, following the structure of obs sequence : str Which ratio sequence to determine, see constants.freqtypes.rtypes for possible sequences. threepoint : bool If True, use three point definition of r01 and r10 ratios instead of default five point definition. Returns ------- ratio : array Ratio requested from `sequence`. First index correspond to: 0 - Frequency ratios 1 - Defining/corresponding frequency 2 - Identifying integer (r01: 1, r02: 2, r10: 10) 3 - Identifying radial order n """ r01, r10, r02 = True, True, True f0 = obs[0, obskey[0, :] == 0] n0 = obskey[1, obskey[0, :] == 0] f1 = obs[0, obskey[0, :] == 1] n1 = obskey[1, obskey[0, :] == 1] f2 = obs[0, obskey[0, :] == 2] n2 = obskey[1, obskey[0, :] == 2] if (len(f0) == 0) or (len(f0) != (n0[-1] - n0[0] + 1)): r01 = None r10 = None if (len(f1) == 0) or (len(f1) != (n1[-1] - n1[0] + 1)): r01 = None r10 = None if (len(f2) == 0) or (len(f2) != (n2[-1] - n2[0] + 1)): r02 = None # Two-point frequency ratio R02 # ----------------------------- if r02 and sequence in ["r02", "r012", "r102"]: lowest_n0 = (n0[0] - 1, n1[0], n2[0]) l0 = lowest_n0.index(max(lowest_n0)) # Find lowest indices for l = 0, 1, and 2 if l0 == 0: i00 = 0 i01 = n0[0] - n1[0] - 1 i02 = n0[0] - n2[0] - 1 elif l0 == 1: i00 = n1[0] - n0[0] + 1 i01 = 0 i02 = n1[0] - n2[0] elif l0 == 2: i00 = n2[0] - n0[0] + 1 i01 = n2[0] - n1[0] i02 = 0 # Number of r02s nn = (n0[-1], n1[-1], n2[-1] + 1) ln = nn.index(min(nn)) if ln == 0: nr02 = n0[-1] - n0[i00] + 1 elif ln == 1: nr02 = n1[-1] - n1[i01] elif ln == 2: nr02 = n2[-1] - n2[i02] + 1 # R02 r02 = np.zeros((4, nr02)) r02[2, :] = 2 for i in range(nr02): r02[3, i] = n0[i00 + i] r02[1, i] = f0[i00 + i] r02[0, i] = f0[i00 + i] - f2[i02 + i] r02[0, i] /= f1[i01 + i + 1] - f1[i01 + i] # Five-point frequency ratio R01 # ------------------------------ if not threepoint: if r01 and sequence in ["r01", "r012", "r010"]: # Find lowest indices for l = 0 and 1 if n0[0] >= n1[0]: i00 = 0 i01 = n0[0] - n1[0] else: i00 = n1[0] - n0[0] i01 = 0 # Number of r01s if n0[-1] - 1 >= n1[-1]: nr01 = n1[-1] - n1[i01] else: nr01 = n0[-1] - n0[i00] - 1 # R01 r01 = np.zeros((4, nr01)) r01[2, :] = 1 for i in range(nr01): r01[3, i] = n0[i00 + i + 1] r01[1, i] = f0[i00 + i + 1] r01[0, i] = f0[i00 + i] + 6.0 * f0[i00 + i + 1] + f0[i00 + i + 2] r01[0, i] -= 4.0 * (f1[i01 + i + 1] + f1[i01 + i]) r01[0, i] /= 8.0 * (f1[i01 + i + 1] - f1[i01 + i]) if r10 and sequence in ["r10", "r102", "r010"]: # Find lowest indices for l = 0 and 1 if n0[0] - 1 >= n1[0]: i00 = 0 i01 = n0[0] - n1[0] - 1 else: i00 = n1[0] - n0[0] + 1 i01 = 0 # Number of r10s if n0[-1] >= n1[-1]: nr10 = n1[-1] - n1[i01] - 1 else: nr10 = n0[-1] - n0[i00] # R10 r10 = np.zeros((4, nr10)) r10[2, :] = 10 for i in range(nr10): r10[3, i] = n1[i01 + i + 1] r10[1, i] = f1[i01 + i + 1] r10[0, i] = f1[i01 + i] + 6.0 * f1[i01 + i + 1] + f1[i01 + i + 2] r10[0, i] -= 4.0 * (f0[i00 + i + 1] + f0[i00 + i]) r10[0, i] /= -8.0 * (f0[i00 + i + 1] - f0[i00 + i]) # Three-point frequency ratios # ---------------------------- else: if r01 and sequence in ["r01", "r012", "r010"]: # Find lowest indices for l = 0 and 1 # i01 point to one n-value lower than i00 if n0[0] - 1 >= n1[0]: i00 = 0 i01 = n0[0] - n1[0] - 1 else: i00 = n1[0] - n0[0] + 1 i01 = 0 # Number of r01s if n0[-1] >= n1[-1]: nr01 = n1[-1] - n1[i01] else: nr01 = n0[-1] - n0[i00] + 1 # R01 r01 = np.zeros((4, nr01)) r01[2, :] = 1 for i in range(nr01): r01[3, i] = n0[i00 + i] r01[1, i] = f0[i00 + i] r01[0, i] = f0[i00 + i] r01[0, i] -= (f1[i01 + i + 1] + f1[i01 + i]) / 2.0 r01[0, i] /= f1[i01 + i + 1] - f1[i01 + i] elif r10 and sequence in ["r10", "r102", "r010"]: # Find lowest indices for l = 0 and 1 if n0[0] >= n1[0]: i00 = 0 i01 = n0[0] - n1[0] else: i00 = n1[0] - n0[0] i01 = 0 # Number of r10s if n0[-1] >= n1[-1]: nr10 = n1[-1] - n1[i01] else: nr10 = n0[-1] - n0[i00] # R10 r10 = np.zeros((4, nr10)) r10[2, :] = 10 for i in range(nr10): r10[3, i] = n1[i01 + i] r10[1, i] = f1[i01 + i] r10[0, i] = f1[i01 + i] r10[0, i] -= (f0[i00 + i] + f0[i00 + i + 1]) / 2.0 r10[0, i] /= f0[i00 + i] - f0[i00 + i + 1] if sequence == "r02": return r02 elif sequence == "r01": return r01 elif sequence == "r10": return r10 elif sequence == "r012": if r01 is None or r02 is None: return None # R012 (R01 followed by R02) ordered by n (R01 first for identical n) mask = np.argsort(np.append(r01[3, :], r02[3, :] + 0.1)) r012 = np.hstack((r01, r02))[:, mask] return r012 elif sequence == "r102": if r10 is None or r02 is None: return None # R102 (R10 followed by R02) ordered by n (R10 first for identical n) mask = np.argsort(np.append(r10[3, :], r02[3, :] + 0.1)) r102 = np.hstack((r10, r02))[:, mask] return r102 elif sequence == "r010": if r01 is None or r10 is None: return None # R010 (R01 followed by R10) ordered by n (R01 first for identical n) mask = np.argsort(np.append(r01[3, :], r10[3, :] + 0.1)) r010 = np.hstack((r01, r10))[:, mask] return r010
""" Epsilon difference fitting """
[docs] def compute_epsilondiff( osckey, osc, avgdnu, sequence="e012", nsorting=True, extrapolation=False, nrealisations=20000, debug=False, ): """ Compute epsilon differences and covariances. From Roxburgh 2016: * Eq. 1: Epsilon(n,l) * Eq. 4: EpsilonDifference(l=0,l=(1,2)) Epsilon differences are independent of surface phase shift/outer layers when the epsilons are evaluated at the same frequency. It therefore relies on splining from epsilons at the observed frequencies of the given degree and order to the frequency of the compared/subtracted epsilon. See function "compute_epsilondiffseqs" for further clarification. For MonteCarlo sampling of the covariances, it is replicated from the covariance determination of frequency ratios in BASTA, (sec 4.1.3 of Aguirre Børsen-Koch et al. 2022). A number of realisations of the epsilon differences are drawn from random Gaussian distributions of the individual frequencies within their uncertainty. Parameters ---------- osckey : array Array containing the angular degrees and radial orders of the modes. osc : array Array containing the modes (and inertias). avgdnu : float Average value of the large frequency separation. sequence : str, optional Similar to ratios, what sequence of epsilon differences to be computed. Can be e01, e02 or e012 for a combination of the two first. nsorting : bool, optional If True (default), the sequences are sorted by n-value of the frequencies. If False, the entire 01 sequence is followed by the 02 sequence. extrapolation : bool, optional If False (default), modes outside the range of the l=0 modes are discarded to avoid extrapolation. nrealisations : int or bool, optional If int: number of realisations used for MC-sampling the covariances If bool: Whether to use MC (True) or analytic (False) deternubation of covariances. If True, nrealisations of 20,000 is used. debug : bool, optional Print additional output and make plots for debugging (incl. a plot of the correlation matrix). Returns ------- epsdiff : array Array containing the modes in the observed data. epsdiff_cov : array Covariances matrix. """ # Remove modes outside of l=0 range if not extrapolation: indall = osckey[0, :] > -1 ind0 = osckey[0, :] == 0 ind12 = osckey[0, :] > 0 mask = np.logical_and( osc[0, ind12] < max(osc[0, ind0]), osc[0, ind12] > min(osc[0, ind0]) ) indall[ind12] = mask if debug and any(mask): print( "The following modes have been skipped from epsilon differences to avoid extrapolation:" ) for f, (l, n) in zip(osc[0, ~indall], osckey[:, ~indall].T): print(" - (l,n,f) = ({0}, {1:02d}, {2:.3f})".format(l, n, f)) osc = osc[:, indall] osckey = osckey[:, indall] epsdiff = compute_epsilondiffseqs( osckey, osc, avgdnu, sequence=sequence, nsorting=nsorting ) epsdiff_cov = su.compute_cov_from_mc( epsdiff.shape[1], osckey, osc, fittype=sequence, args={"avgdnu": avgdnu, "nsorting": nsorting}, nrealisations=nrealisations, ) return epsdiff, epsdiff_cov
[docs] def compute_epsilondiffseqs( osckey, osc, avgdnu, sequence, nsorting=True, ): """ Computed epsilon differences, based on Roxburgh 2016 (eq. 1 and 4) Epsilons E of frequency v with order n and degree l is determined as: E(n,l) = E(v(n,l)) = v(n,l)/dnu - n - l/2 From this, an epsilon is determined for each original frequncy. These are not independent on the surface layers, but their differences between different degrees are, if evaluated at the same frequency. Therefore, the epsilon differences dE of e.g. E(n,l=0) and E(n,l=2), dE(02) is determined from interpolating/splining the l=0 epsilon sequence SE0 and evaluating it at v(n,l=2), and subtracting the corresponding E(n,l=2). Therefore, the epsilon difference can be summarised as dE(0l) = SE0(v(n,l)) - E(n,l) Parameters ---------- osckey : array Array containing the angular degrees and radial orders of the modes osc : array Array containing the modes (and inertias) avgdnu : float Average large frequency separation sequence : str Similar to ratios, what sequence of epsilon differences to be computed. Can be 01, 02 or 012 for a combination of the two first. nsorting : bool If True (default), the sequences are sorted by n-value of the frequencies. If False, the entire 01 sequence is followed by the 02 sequence. Returns ------- deps : array Array containing epsilon differences. First index correpsonds to: 0 - Epsilon differences 1 - Indentifying frequencies 2 - Identifying degree l 3 - Radial degree n of identifying l={1,2} mode """ # Select the sequence(s) to use if sequence == "e012": l_used = [1, 2] elif sequence == "e02": l_used = [2] elif sequence == "e01": l_used = [1] else: raise KeyError("Undefined epsilon difference sequence requested!") # Epsilon is computed analytically from the frequency information epsilon = np.zeros(osc.shape[1]) for i, freq in enumerate(osc[0, :]): ll, nn = osckey[:, i] epsilon[i] = freq / avgdnu - nn - ll / 2 # Setup base l=0 interpolater object nu0 = osc[0, osckey[0, :] == 0] eps0 = epsilon[osckey[0, :] == 0] eps0_intpol = CubicSpline(nu0, eps0) # Compute the epsilon differences of the selected sequence(s) nmodes = sum([sum(osckey[0] == ll) for ll in l_used]) deps = np.zeros((4, nmodes)) Niter = 0 for ll in l_used: # Extract freq and epsilon for l=ll modes nul = osc[0, osckey[0] == ll] epsl = epsilon[osckey[0] == ll] # Evaluate epsilon(l=0) at nu(l=ll) eps0_at_nul = eps0_intpol(nul) # Difference diff_eps0l = eps0_at_nul - epsl # Store 0: difference, 1: freq, 2: l, 3: n deps[0, Niter : Niter + len(diff_eps0l)] = diff_eps0l deps[1, Niter : Niter + len(diff_eps0l)] = nul deps[2, Niter : Niter + len(diff_eps0l)] = ll deps[3, Niter : Niter + len(diff_eps0l)] = osckey[1][osckey[0] == ll] Niter += len(diff_eps0l) # Sort according to n if flagged (ensure l=1 before l=2 with 0.1) if nsorting: mask = np.argsort(deps[3, :] + deps[2, :] * 0.1) deps = deps[:, mask] return deps