Source code for glitch_fit

Auxiliary functions for glitch fitting
import numpy as np

from basta import freq_fit
from basta import utils_seismic as su

    from import sd
    from basta.icov_sd import icov_sd
    from basta.glitch_fq import fit_fq
    from basta.glitch_sd import fit_sd

    GLITCH_AVAIL = False

[docs] def compute_observed_glitches( osckey: np.array, osc: np.array, sequence: str, dnu: float, fitfreqs: dict, debug=False, ) -> tuple[np.array, np.array]: """ Routine to compute glitch parameters (and ratios) with full covariance matrix using MC sampling. Parameters ---------- osckey : numpy array Spherical degrees and radial orders of the frequencies to be used. osc : numpy array Frequencies and corresponding uncertainties. sequence : str Glitch sequence to be computed, see constants.freqtypes.glitches. dnu : float Value of large frequency separation to be used in the computation. fitfreqs : dict Dictionary containing frequency fitting options/controls. Returns ------- glitchseq : numpy array Computed glitch parameters (and ratios) as median values from MC sampling glitchseq_cov : numpy array Determined covariance matrix of glitch parameters (and ratios) """ # Get length of sequence if sequence == "glitches": # Purely the three glitch parameters sequence_length = 3 else: # Ratios and glitch parameters ratios = freq_fit.compute_ratioseqs( osckey, osc, sequence[1:], fitfreqs["threepoint"] ) sequence_length = ratios.shape[1] + 3 # Call routine for sampling covariance glitchseq, glitchseq_cov = su.compute_cov_from_mc( sequence_length, osckey, osc, sequence, args={"dnu": dnu, "fitfreqs": fitfreqs}, nrealisations=fitfreqs["nrealizations"], ) return glitchseq, glitchseq_cov
[docs] def compute_glitchseqs( osckey: np.array, osc: np.array, sequence: str, dnu: float, fitfreqs: dict, ac_depths: bool = False, debug: bool = False, ) -> np.array: """ Routine to compute glitch parameters of given frequencies, based on the given method options. Parameters ---------- osckey : numpy array Spherical degrees and radial orders of the frequencies to be used. osc : numpy array Frequencies and corresponding uncertainties. sequence : str Glitch sequence to be computed, see constants.freqtypes.glitches. dnu : float Value of large frequency separation to be used in the computation. fitfreqs : dict Dictionary containing frequency fitting options/controls. ac_depts : bool or dict Acoustic depths used to search for glitch signatures. If not provided as a dict, they will be calculated as a simple estimate. Returns ------- glitchseq : numpy array Determined glitch parameters (and ratios) from the provided frequencies. If computation failed, the glitch parameters will be NaNs. """ # Check compilation of external FORTRAN routines if not GLITCH_AVAIL: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Unable to import glitch modules, check " + "installation guide for compilation of these!" ) # Setup array, make similar to ratios glitchseq = np.empty((4, 3)) * np.nan # Acoustic radius and acoustic depths of the glitches acousticRadius = 5.0e5 / dnu # If not inputted, use standard assumptions: if not ac_depths: ac_depths = { "tauHe": 0.17 * acousticRadius + 18.0, "dtauHe": 0.05 * acousticRadius, "tauCZ": 0.34 * acousticRadius + 929.0, "dtauCZ": 0.10 * acousticRadius, } # Reformat frequencies for input to methods and filter out l=3 freqs = np.zeros((len(osckey[0, osckey[0, :] < 3]), 4)) freqs[:, 0] = osckey[0, osckey[0, :] < 3] freqs[:, 1] = osckey[1, osckey[0, :] < 3] freqs[:, 2] = osc[0, osckey[0, :] < 3] # If model frequencies from join, use error of observed frequencies if osc.shape[0] > 2: freqs[:, 3] = osc[3, osckey[0, :] < 3] else: freqs[:, 3] = osc[1, osckey[0, :] < 3] # Number of n values for each l num_of_n = np.array([sum(osckey[0, :] == ll) for ll in set(osckey[0])]) if fitfreqs["glitchmethod"].lower() == "freq": nparams = len(num_of_n) * fitfreqs["npoly_params"] + 7 param, _, _, ier = fit_fq( freqs, num_of_n, acousticRadius, ac_depths["tauHe"], ac_depths["dtauHe"], ac_depths["tauCZ"], ac_depths["dtauCZ"], npoly_fq=fitfreqs["npoly_params"], total_num_of_param_fq=nparams, nderiv_fq=fitfreqs["nderiv"], tol_grad_fq=fitfreqs["tol_grad"], regu_param_fq=fitfreqs["regu_param"], num_guess=fitfreqs["nguesses"], ) elif fitfreqs["glitchmethod"].lower() == "secdif": freq_sd = sd(freqs, num_of_n, icov_sd.shape[0]) param, _, _, ier = fit_sd( freq_sd, icov_sd, acousticRadius, ac_depths["tauHe"], ac_depths["dtauHe"], ac_depths["tauCZ"], ac_depths["dtauCZ"], npoly_sd=fitfreqs["npoly_params"], total_num_of_param_sd=fitfreqs["npoly_params"] + 7, nderiv_sd=fitfreqs["nderiv"], tol_grad_sd=fitfreqs["tol_grad"], regu_param_sd=fitfreqs["regu_param"], num_guess=fitfreqs["nguesses"], ) else: raise KeyError( f"Invalid glitch-fitting method {fitfreqs['glitchmethod']} requested!" ) # If failed, don't overwrite NaNS in output if ier == 0: # Determine average amplitudes _, AHe = _average_amplitudes( param, fmin=np.amin(freqs[:, 2]), fmax=np.amax(freqs[:, 2]), dnu=dnu, method=fitfreqs["glitchmethod"], ) # Restructure glitch parameters glitchseq[0, :] = [AHe, param[-3], param[-2]] glitchseq[2, :] = [7, 8, 9] # If only glitches, return these if sequence == "glitches": return glitchseq else: # Compute ratio sequence ratios = freq_fit.compute_ratioseqs( osckey, osc, sequence[1:], fitfreqs["threepoint"] ) # Stack arrays and return full sequence glitchseq = np.hstack((ratios, glitchseq)) return glitchseq
def _average_amplitudes(param, fmin, fmax, dnu=None, method="Freq"): """ Compute average amplitude of He and CZ signature Parameters ---------- param : array Fitted parameters fmin : float Lower limit on frequency used in averaging (muHz) fmax : float Upper limit on frequency used in averaging (muHz) dnu : float An estimate of the large frequency separation, only necessary for method "SecDif" Returns ------- Acz : float Average amplitude of CZ signature (muHz) Ahe : float Average amplitude of He signature (muHz) """ # Check dnu is available for Second Deifferences method if method.lower() == "secdif" and dnu is None: raise ValueError("An estimate of dnu is necessary for the SecDif method!") n0 = len(param) - 7 # Amplitude of CZ signature Acz = param[n0] / (fmin * fmax) # Amplitude of He signature fminhz = 1.0e-6 * fmin fmaxhz = 1.0e-6 * fmax Ahe = ( param[n0 + 3] * ( np.exp(-8.0 * np.pi**2 * fminhz**2 * param[n0 + 4] ** 2) - np.exp(-8.0 * np.pi**2 * fmaxhz**2 * param[n0 + 4] ** 2) ) / (16.0 * np.pi**2 * 1.0e-12 * (fmax - fmin) * param[n0 + 4] ** 2) ) # Scale amplitudes from Freq to SecDif if method.lower() == "secdif": Acz /= (2.0 * np.sin(2.0 * np.pi * dnu * 1.0e-6 * param[n0 + 1])) ** 2 Ahe /= (2.0 * np.sin(2.0 * np.pi * dnu * 1.0e-6 * param[n0 + 5])) ** 2 return Acz, Ahe