Source code for plot_kiel

Production of Kiel diagrams
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.collections

from basta import stats
from basta import fileio as fio
from basta import utils_seismic as su
from basta import utils_general as gu
from basta.constants import parameters
from basta.downloader import get_basta_dir

# Set the style of all plots
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, "basta/plots.mplstyle"))

[docs] def plot_param(Grid, ax, track, all_segments, label, color): """ Function for plotting the parameter interval in the Kiel diagram Parameters ---------- Grid : hdf5 object The already loaded grid, containing the tracks/isochrones ax : AxesSubplot object Axis in which to plot track : str Path for the current track/isochrone in the Gridfile all_segments : list The indeces in the track/isochrone where the parameter is within the limit in fitparams label : str The label desired for the legend, is '_nolegend_' if it has already been added to the plot color : string The designated plotting color for the parameter, see '' """ # Find out if there are multiple segments in track where_skip = np.where(np.diff(all_segments) != 1)[0] # If only one, plot the whole segment if len(where_skip) == 0: segments = [list(all_segments)] else: # If multiple segments, plot each individually where_skip = np.append(where_skip, len(all_segments) - 1) segments = [] current = 0 for skip in where_skip: segments.append(list(all_segments[current : skip + 1])) current = skip + 1 # Dummy variable for making legend line dummy = False # Plot the segments for segment in segments: # Determine if the segment is a line or a single point if len(segment) < 2: markertype = "." lab = label if lab != "_nolegend_": dummy = True # Plot dummy, so legend entry becomes a line ax.plot([0, 0], [0, 0], "-", alpha=0.5, lw=3, color=color, label=lab) lab = "_nolegend_" else: markertype = "-" lab = label # The actual plotting ax.plot( Grid[track + "/Teff"][segment], Grid[track + "/logg"][segment], markertype, lw=3, markersize=6, color=color, zorder=3, alpha=0.5, label=lab, ) # Label magic to limit the legend to having only a single line # entry per parameter if lab != "_nolegend_" or dummy: label = "_nolegend_" return label
[docs] def kiel( Grid, selectedmodels, fitparams, inputparams, lp_interval, feh_interval, Teffout, loggout, gridtype, nameinplot=False, debug=False, experimental=False, validationmode=False, color_by_likelihood=False, ): """ Make a Kiel diagram of the relevant tracks/isochrones, where fitted parameters within their given uncertainties are marked on the tracks. The plotted tracks/isochrones are chosen as the tracks/isochrones with non-zero likelihood with mass/age within the 16th and 84th percenttile, and if [Fe/H] or [M/H] is fitted, within the given uncertainty. If they are not fitted, they are instead also chosen as the ones within the 16th and 84th percentile. They are also chosen to be within the fitted evolutionary constants, e.g. alphaMLT and overshooting. See list 'constants' for full list of fitting parameters. Parameters ---------- Grid : hdf5 object The already loaded grid, containing the tracks/isochrones. selectedmodels : dict Contains information on all models with a non-zero likelihood. fitparams : dict A copy of the fitparams with grid-scaled frequency parameters. inputparams : dict All relevant input information about the fit. lp_interval : list 16th and 84th percentile of the library parameter, mass for tracks and age for isochrones. feh_interval : list 16th and 84th quantile of [Fe/H], for determination of plotted tracks/isochrones. Teffout : array Array with median, min, and max effective temperature. loggout : array Array with median, min, and max logg. gridtype : str Type of the grid (as read from the grid in bastamain) containing either 'tracks' or 'isochrones'. nameinplot : str or bool Star identifier if it is to be included in the figure debug : bool, optional Debug flag. experimental : bool, optional If True, experimental features will be used in run. validationmode : bool, optional If True, style the plots as required for validation runs Returns ------- fig : figure canvas Kiel diagram """ # Inflate parameter ranges if requested if experimental: print("\nACTIVATED EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE:") print( "Extending the selection ranges (from the default quantiles)", "in the Kiel diagram!\n", ) scalefactor = 0.3 lp_interval[0] *= 1 - scalefactor lp_interval[1] *= 1 + scalefactor if debug: print( "DEBUG: Interval after inflation by {0} pct. = {1}\n".format( scalefactor * 100, lp_interval ) ) # Assign params kielplots = inputparams.get("kielplots") fitfreqs = inputparams.get("fitfreqs", False) toggle_freqs = True filters = [f for f in inputparams["magnitudes"]] # This is by design a "==" comparison to True, because it will otherwise # fail, as the type is numpy.bool_ ! if not kielplots[0] == True: toggle_freqs = False new_filters = [] new_fitpars = {} for par in kielplots: if par == "freqs": toggle_freqs = True elif par in filters: new_filters.append(par) else: new_fitpars[par] = fitparams[par] filters = new_filters fitparams = new_fitpars # Save the tracks in selectedmodels with appropriate massini and FeH tracks = [] constants = ["alphaFe", "ove", "gcut", "eta", "alphaMLT"] metal = "MeH" if "MeH" in fitparams else "FeH" for modelpath in selectedmodels: if "tracks" in gridtype.lower(): trackvalue = Grid[modelpath]["massini"][0] else: trackvalue = Grid[modelpath]["age"][0] if trackvalue >= lp_interval[0] and trackvalue <= lp_interval[1]: track_pass = True for param in constants: if param in fitparams: err = fitparams[param][1] param_interval = [ fitparams[param][0] - err, fitparams[param][0] + err, ] trackvalue = Grid[modelpath + "/" + param][0] if ( not trackvalue >= param_interval[0] and trackvalue <= param_interval[1] ): track_pass = False if track_pass: metal_in_track = np.where( np.logical_and( Grid[modelpath + "/" + metal][:] >= feh_interval[0], Grid[modelpath + "/" + metal][:] <= feh_interval[1], ) )[0] if list(metal_in_track): tracks.append(modelpath) # Median teff and logg Teff, terrm, terrp = Teffout[0], Teffout[0] - Teffout[1], Teffout[2] - Teffout[0] logg, lerrm, lerrp = loggout[0], loggout[0] - loggout[1], loggout[2] - loggout[0] # The highest likelihood is used to control the plot below. If desired, the # model with lowest chi^2 can be extracted and added to the plot if validationmode: minchi2_path, minchi2_ind = stats.lowest_chi2(selectedmodels) hlm_chi2, lcm_chi2 = stats.chi_for_plot(selectedmodels) # Define the max-likelihood model, and define teff/logg # intervals for limit control maxPDF_path, maxPDF_ind = stats.most_likely(selectedmodels) if maxPDF_path not in tracks: tracks.append(maxPDF_path) teffrange = [min(Grid[maxPDF_path + "/Teff"]), max(Grid[maxPDF_path + "/Teff"])] loggrange = [min(Grid[maxPDF_path + "/logg"]), max(Grid[maxPDF_path + "/logg"])] nsigma = 2 if Teff < teffrange[0]: teffrange[0] = Teff - nsigma * terrm if Teff > teffrange[1]: teffrange[1] = Teff + nsigma * terrp if logg < loggrange[0]: loggrange[0] = logg - nsigma * lerrm if logg > loggrange[1]: loggrange[1] = logg + nsigma * lerrp dteff = teffrange[1] - teffrange[0] dlogg = loggrange[1] - loggrange[0] # Limits for full track, adjusted to even values tefflim = [ 100 * np.floor(teffrange[0] / 100) - 200, 100 * np.ceil(teffrange[1] / 100) + 200, ] logglim = [0.1 * np.floor(loggrange[0] / 0.1), 0.1 * np.ceil(loggrange[1] / 0.1)] # "Standard" value for span in axis if "tracks" in gridtype.lower(): teff_std = 350 logg_std = 0.5 else: teff_std = 150 logg_std = 0.30 make_subplot = [dteff > teff_std * 2, dlogg > logg_std * 2] # If the range is too large, make a zoomed subplot, keep ratio of original if True in make_subplot: tefflim_sub = [ 100 * np.floor((Teff - teff_std) / 100), 100 * np.ceil((Teff + teff_std) / 100), ] ratio = (logglim[1] - logglim[0]) / (tefflim[1] - tefflim[0]) logglim_sub = [ logg - 0.5 * (tefflim_sub[1] - tefflim_sub[0]) * ratio, logg + 0.5 * (tefflim_sub[1] - tefflim_sub[0]) * ratio, ] # Make list with both limits tefflim = [tefflim_sub, tefflim] if True in make_subplot else [tefflim] logglim = [logglim_sub, logglim] if True in make_subplot else [logglim] # Get labels and colors for sorted params keys = list(fitparams.keys()) + filters sorted_parameters = np.array(keys)[np.argsort(keys)] _, labels, _, colors = parameters.get_keys(sorted_parameters) ################ # Figure starts ################ # Set up the figure if True in make_subplot: fig, axis = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(12.8, 17.6)) axis[1].plot( [tefflim[0][0], tefflim[0][1], tefflim[0][1], tefflim[0][0], tefflim[0][0]], [logglim[0][0], logglim[0][0], logglim[0][1], logglim[0][1], logglim[0][0]], "-", color="darkgrey", alpha=0.5, zorder=5, label="_nolegend_", ) iteration = zip(axis, tefflim, logglim) else: fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8.47, 6)) iteration = zip([axis], tefflim, logglim) # Iteration over the subplots, the same is done with different limits for ax, tlim, glim in iteration: max_logPDF = selectedmodels[maxPDF_path].logPDF.max() for track in tracks: # Make a copy to allow manipulation xs = gu.h5py_to_array(Grid[track + "/Teff"]) ys = gu.h5py_to_array(Grid[track + "/logg"]) # Special treatment to plot points color-coded by likelihood if color_by_likelihood: # Extract pdf information logpdf = np.zeros_like(xs) + 0.1 m = selectedmodels[track] logpdf[m.index] = 0.2 + 0.5 * np.exp(m.logPDF - max_logPDF) # Make segments to colorcode points = np.transpose([xs, ys]).reshape(-1, 1, 2) segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1) lc = matplotlib.collections.LineCollection(segments, cmap="gray_r") lc.set_array(logpdf) lc.set_linewidth(1) ax.add_collection(lc) continue # Plot as points for validation mode if validationmode: ax.plot( xs, ys, ".", zorder=1, color="darkgrey", alpha=0.8, label="_nolegend_", ) else: ax.plot( xs, ys, zorder=1, color="darkgrey", alpha=0.8, label="_nolegend_", ) # Plot the max likelihood and median model if validationmode: bfmmodlab = "Highest likelihood model (chi2 = {0:1.4e})".format(hlm_chi2) else: bfmmodlab = "Best fit model" ax.plot( Grid[maxPDF_path + "/Teff"][maxPDF_ind], Grid[maxPDF_path + "/logg"][maxPDF_ind], "*", color="#000000", markersize=20, zorder=5, label=bfmmodlab, ) ax.plot( Teff, logg, "o", color="k", markersize=15, zorder=np.inf, label="Median" ) # Add chi^2 model? if validationmode: ax.plot( Grid[minchi2_path + "/Teff"][minchi2_ind], Grid[minchi2_path + "/logg"][minchi2_ind], "p", color="k", markersize=15, label="Lowest chi^2 model (chi2 = {0:1.4e})".format(lcm_chi2), ) # Plot parameter intervals of fitparams ncol = 2 for i, param in enumerate(sorted_parameters): label = labels[i] # Set background marking of Teff if param == "Teff": ncol += 1 err = fitparams[param][1] Tmin = np.ones(2) * fitparams[param][0] - err Tmax = np.ones(2) * fitparams[param][0] + err ax.fill_betweenx( glim, Tmin, Tmax, facecolor=colors[i], zorder=2, alpha=0.3, label=label, ) # Set background marking of logg elif param == "logg": ncol += 1 err = fitparams[param][1] gmin = np.ones(2) * fitparams[param][0] - err gmax = np.ones(2) * fitparams[param][0] + err # xlim = ax.get_xlim() ax.fill_between( tlim, gmin, gmax, facecolor=colors[i], zorder=2, alpha=0.3, label=label, ) # All parameters with no special cases elif ( (param != metal) and ("mass" not in param) and (param not in constants) ): ncol += 1 # Set up the parameter-limit if param in fitparams: err = fitparams[param][1] parmin = fitparams[param][0] - err parmax = fitparams[param][0] + err # If not regular fitparam, check if it is in filters elif param in filters: errm = inputparams["magnitudes"][param]["errm"] errp = inputparams["magnitudes"][param]["errp"] parmin = inputparams["magnitudes"][param]["median"] - errm parmax = inputparams["magnitudes"][param]["median"] + errp for track in tracks: # For each track, check what indices is within # the paramlimits all_segments = np.where( np.logical_and( Grid[track + "/" + param][:] > parmin, Grid[track + "/" + param][:] < parmax, ) )[0] # If none are, skip the track if len(all_segments) == 0: continue # Call the plot function label = plot_param(Grid, ax, track, all_segments, label, colors[i]) # Highlight where frequencies are limited to # Calculation follows that of bastamain if fitfreqs["active"] and toggle_freqs: ncol += 1 label = "Freq. constrain" dnufrac = fitfreqs.get("dnufrac", 0.15) obskey, obs, _ = fio.read_freq(fitfreqs["freqfile"]) for track in tracks: libitem = Grid[track] index = np.ones(len(libitem["age"][:]), dtype=bool) # Locate where the lowest l=0 is within set limit for ind in np.where(index)[0]: rawmod = libitem["osc"][ind] rawmodkey = libitem["osckey"][ind] mod = su.transform_obj_array(rawmod) modkey = su.transform_obj_array(rawmodkey) modkeyl0, modl0 = su.get_givenl(l=0, osc=mod, osckey=modkey) # As mod is ordered, [0, 0] is the lowest l=0 mode same_n = modkeyl0[1, :] == obskey[1, 0] cl0 = modl0[0, same_n] cl0 = cl0[0] if len(cl0 > 1) else cl0 if not ( ( cl0 >= ( obs[0, 0] - max( (dnufrac / 2 * fitfreqs["dnufit"]), (3 * obs[1, 0]), ) ) ) and ((cl0 - obs[0, 0]) <= (dnufrac * fitfreqs["dnufit"])) ): index[ind] = False # Plot the region if True in index: all_segments = np.where(index)[0] label = plot_param(Grid, ax, track, all_segments, label, "#AA3377") # General settings of plot ax.legend( bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 1.02, 1.0, 0.102), loc=8, ncol=ncol, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.0, title=nameinplot if nameinplot else "", ) _, axlabels, _, _ = parameters.get_keys(["Teff", "logg"]) ax.set_xlabel(axlabels[0]) ax.set_ylabel(axlabels[1]) ax.set_xlim(tlim) ax.set_ylim(glim) ax.invert_xaxis() ax.invert_yaxis() # Make list of metallicities in isochrones for annotation if "isochrones" in gridtype.lower(): metal_list = np.asarray([Grid[track + "/" + metal][0] for track in tracks]) # Assumes the lowest metallicity is at the highest Teff metal_list = np.sort(np.unique(metal_list)) if len(metal_list) <= 5: metal_str = ", ".join([str(x) for x in list(metal_list)]) else: metal_str = "{:.3f},...,{:.3f}".format(min(metal_list), max(metal_list)) _, mlabel, _, _ = parameters.get_keys([metal]) text = mlabel[0] + ": " + metal_str # The cases for single or divided plot if True in make_subplot: pos = [ tefflim[1][1] - 0.03 * (tefflim[1][1] - tefflim[1][0]), logglim[1][0] + 0.06 * (logglim[1][1] - logglim[1][0]), ] axis[1].text(pos[0], pos[1], text, fontsize=12) else: pos = [ tefflim[0][1] - 0.03 * (tefflim[0][1] - tefflim[0][0]), logglim[0][0] + 0.06 * (logglim[0][1] - logglim[0][0]), ] axis.text(pos[0], pos[1], text, fontsize=12) fig.tight_layout() return fig