Source code for plot_seismic

Production of asteroseismic plots
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, CubicSpline

from basta import utils_seismic as su
from basta import stats, freq_fit
from basta.constants import freqtypes
from basta.downloader import get_basta_dir

# Set the style of all plots
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.transforms as transforms, "basta/plots.mplstyle"))

# Define a color dictionary for easier change of color
colors = {
    "l0": "#D55E00",
    "l1": "#009E73",
    "l2": "#0072B2",
    "r01": "#D36E70",
    "r10": "#CCBB44",
    "r02": "#228833",
    "r012": "#549EB3",
    "r010": "#60AB9E",
    "r102": "#A778B4",
modmarkers = {
    "l0": "D",
    "l1": "^",
    "l2": "v",
    "ratio": "d",
obsmarker = "o"
splinemarkers = [".", "2", "1"]
splinecolor = "0.7"

[docs] def echelle( selectedmodels, Grid, obs, obskey, mod=None, modkey=None, dnu=None, join=None, joinkeys=False, coeffs=None, scalnu=None, freqcor="BG14", pair=False, duplicate=False, output=None, ): """ Echelle diagram. It is possible to either make a single Echelle diagram or plot it twice making patterns across the moduli-limit easier to see. Parameters ---------- selectedmodels : dict Contains information on all models with a non-zero likelihood. Grid : hdf5 object The already loaded grid, containing the tracks/isochrones. obs : array or None Array of observed modes. obskey : array or None Array of mode identification observed modes. mod : array or None Array of modes in a given model. If None, `mod` will be found from the most likely model in `selectedmodels`. modkey : array or None Array of mode identification of modes from the model. If None, `modkey` will be found from the most likely model in `selectedmodels`. dnu : float or None The large frequency separation. If None, `dnufit` will be used. join : array or None Array containing the matched observed and modelled modes. If None, this information is not added to the plot. joinkeys : array or None Array containing the mode identification of the matched observed and modelled modes. If None, this information is not added to the plot. coeffs : array or None Coefficients for the near-surface frequency correction specified in `freqcor`. If None, the frequencies on the plot will not be corrected. scalnu : float or None Value used to scale frequencies in frequencies correction. `numax` is often used. freqcor : str {'None', 'HK08', 'BG14', 'cubicBG14'} Flag determining the frequency correction. pair : bool Flag determining whether to link matched observed and modelled frequencies. duplicate : bool Flag determining whether to plot two echelle diagrams next to one another. output : str or None Filename for saving the figure. """ if pair: lw = 1 else: lw = 0 if dnu is None: print("Note: No deltanu specified, using dnufit for echelle diagram.") maxPDF_path, maxPDF_ind = stats.most_likely(selectedmodels) dnu = Grid[maxPDF_path + "/dnufit"][maxPDF_ind] if duplicate: modx = 1 scalex = dnu else: modx = dnu scalex = 1 obsls = np.unique(obskey[0, :]).astype(str) if (mod is None) and (modkey is None): maxPDF_path, maxPDF_ind = stats.most_likely(selectedmodels) rawmod = Grid[maxPDF_path + "/osc"][maxPDF_ind] rawmodkey = Grid[maxPDF_path + "/osckey"][maxPDF_ind] mod = su.transform_obj_array(rawmod) modkey = su.transform_obj_array(rawmodkey) mod = mod[:, modkey[0, :] <= np.amax(obsls.astype(int))] modkey = modkey[:, modkey[0, :] <= np.amax(obsls)] cormod = np.copy(mod) if coeffs is not None: if freqcor == "HK08": corosc = freq_fit.apply_HK08( modkey=modkey, mod=mod, coeffs=coeffs, scalnu=scalnu ) elif freqcor == "BG14": corosc = freq_fit.apply_BG14( modkey=modkey, mod=mod, coeffs=coeffs, scalnu=scalnu ) elif freqcor == "cubicBG14": corosc = freq_fit.apply_cubicBG14( modkey=modkey, mod=mod, coeffs=coeffs, scalnu=scalnu ) cormod[0, :] = corosc s = su.scale_by_inertia(modkey, cormod) if join is not None: sjoin = su.scale_by_inertia(joinkeys[0:2], join[0:2]) fmod = {} fmod_all = {} fobs = {} fobs_all = {} eobs = {} eobs_all = {} for l in np.arange(np.amax(obsls.astype(int)) + 1): _, mod = su.get_givenl(l=l, osc=cormod, osckey=modkey) _, lobs = su.get_givenl(l=l, osc=obs, osckey=obskey) fmod_all[str(l)] = mod[0, :] / scalex fobs_all[str(l)] = lobs[0, :] / scalex eobs_all[str(l)] = lobs[1, :] / scalex if join is not None: _, ljoin = su.get_givenl(l=l, osc=join, osckey=joinkeys) fmod[str(l)] = ljoin[0, :] / scalex fobs[str(l)] = ljoin[2, :] / scalex eobs[str(l)] = ljoin[3, :] / scalex # Create plot fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax2 = ax1.twinx() if duplicate: # Plot something to set the scale on one y-axis ax1.errorbar( fobs_all[obsls[0]] % modx, fobs_all[obsls[0]] * dnu, xerr=eobs_all[obsls[0]], fmt=obsmarker, mfc=colors["l" + obsls[0]], ecolor=colors["l" + obsls[0]], alpha=0.5, zorder=0, ) ax1.axvline(x=0, linestyle="--", color="0.8", zorder=0) ax = ax2 aax = ax1 else: ax2.errorbar( fobs_all[obsls[0]], fobs_all[obsls[0]] / dnu, xerr=eobs_all[obsls[0]], fmt=obsmarker, mfc=colors["l" + obsls[0]], ecolor=colors["l" + obsls[0]], alpha=0.5, zorder=0, ) ax = ax1 aax = ax2 # Plot all observed modes for l in obsls: ax.errorbar( fobs_all[l] % modx, fobs_all[l], xerr=eobs_all[l], fmt=obsmarker, mfc=colors["l" + l], ecolor=colors["l" + l], zorder=1, alpha=0.5, ) if duplicate: ax.errorbar( fobs_all[l] % modx - modx, fobs_all[l], xerr=eobs_all[l], fmt=obsmarker, mfc=colors["l" + l], ecolor=colors["l" + l], zorder=1, alpha=0.5, ) for l in np.arange(np.amax(obsls.astype(int)) + 1): l = str(l) ax.scatter( fmod_all[l] % modx, fmod_all[l], s=s[int(l)], c=colors["l" + l], marker=modmarkers["l" + l], alpha=0.5, zorder=2, ) if duplicate: ax.scatter( fmod_all[l] % modx - modx, fmod_all[l], s=s[int(l)], c=colors["l" + l], marker=modmarkers["l" + l], alpha=0.5, zorder=2, ) # Plot the matched modes in negative and positive side linelimit = 0.75 * modx if join is not None: for l in obsls: if len(fmod[l]) > 0: ax.scatter( fmod[l] % modx, fmod[l], s=sjoin[int(l)], c=colors["l" + l], marker=modmarkers["l" + l], linewidths=1, edgecolors="k", zorder=3, label=f"Best fit $\ell={l}$", ) if duplicate: ax.scatter( fmod[l] % modx - modx, fmod[l], s=sjoin[int(l)], c=colors["l" + l], marker=modmarkers["l" + l], linewidths=1, edgecolors="k", zorder=3, ) ax.errorbar( fobs[l] % modx, fobs[l], xerr=eobs[l], fmt=obsmarker, mfc=colors["l" + l], ecolor=colors["l" + l], zorder=1, label=f"Measured $\ell={l}$", ) if duplicate: ax.errorbar( fobs[l] % modx - modx, fobs[l], xerr=eobs[l], fmt=obsmarker, mfc=colors["l" + l], ecolor=colors["l" + l], zorder=1, ) if pair: fm = fmod[l] fo = fobs[l] for i in range(len(fm)): if ((fm[i] % modx) > linelimit) & ( (fo[i] % modx) < (modx - linelimit) ): if duplicate: x0 = -1 else: x0 = 0 a = (fo[i] - fm[i]) / abs( fo[i] % modx - (fm[i] % modx - modx) ) ax.plot( (fm[i] % modx - modx, fo[i] % modx), (fm[i], fo[i]), c=colors["l" + str(l)], alpha=0.7, zorder=10, ) ax.plot( (fm[i] % modx, modx), (fm[i], fm[i] + a * (modx - fm[i] % modx)), c=colors["l" + str(l)], alpha=0.7, zorder=10, ) ax.plot( (x0, fo[i] % modx - modx), (fm[i] + a * (modx - fm[i] % modx), fo[i]), c=colors["l" + str(l)], alpha=0.7, zorder=10, ) elif ((fo[i] % modx) > linelimit) & ( (fm[i] % modx) < (modx - linelimit) ): if duplicate: x0 = -1 else: x0 = 0 a = (fm[i] - fo[i]) / abs( fm[i] % modx - (fo[i] % modx - modx) ) ax.plot( (fo[i] % modx - modx, fm[i] % modx), (fo[i], fm[i]), c=colors["l" + str(l)], alpha=0.7, zorder=10, ) ax.plot( (fo[i] % modx, modx), (fo[i], fo[i] + a * (modx - fo[i] % modx)), c=colors["l" + str(l)], alpha=0.7, zorder=10, ) ax.plot( (x0, fm[i] % modx - modx), (fo[i] + a * (modx - fo[i] % modx), fm[i]), c=colors["l" + str(l)], alpha=0.7, zorder=10, ) else: ax.plot( (fm[i] % modx, fo[i] % modx), (fm[i], fo[i]), c=colors["l" + str(l)], alpha=0.7, zorder=10, lw=lw, ) if duplicate: ax.plot( (fm[i] % modx - modx, fo[i] % modx - modx), (fm[i], fo[i]), c=colors["l" + str(l)], alpha=0.7, zorder=10, lw=lw, ) """ elif ( duplicate & ((fo[i] % modx) > linelimit) & ((fm[i] % modx) < (modx - linelimit)) ): ax.plot( (fo[i] % modx - modx, fm[i] % modx), (fo[i], fm[i]), c=colors["l" + str(l)], alpha=0.7, zorder=10, lw=lw, ) """ lgnd = ax.legend( bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 1.02, 1.0, 0.102), loc=8, ncol=6, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.0, ) for i in range(len(lgnd.legendHandles)): lgnd.legendHandles[i]._sizes = [50] if duplicate: ax.set_xlim([-1, 1]) aax.set_ylim(ax.set_ylim()[0] * dnu, ax.set_ylim()[1] * dnu) aax.set_xlabel( r"Frequency normalised by $\Delta \nu$ modulo 1 ($\Delta \nu =$%s $\mu$Hz)" % dnu ) aax.set_ylabel(r"Frequency ($\mu$Hz)") ax.set_ylabel(r"Frequency normalised by $\Delta \nu$") else: ax.set_xlim([0, modx]) aax.set_ylim(ax.set_ylim()[0] / dnu, ax.set_ylim()[1] / dnu) ax.set_xlabel( r"Frequency normalised by $\Delta \nu$ modulo 1 ($\Delta \nu =$%s $\mu$Hz)" % dnu ) ax.set_ylabel(r"Frequency ($\mu$Hz)") aax.set_ylabel(r"Frequency normalised by $\Delta \nu$") if output is not None: plt.savefig(output, bbox_inches="tight") print("Saved figure to " + output) plt.close(fig)
[docs] def ratioplot( obsfreqdata, joinkeys, join, modkey, mod, ratiotype, output=None, threepoint=False, interp_ratios=True, ): """ Plot frequency ratios. Parameters ---------- obsfreqdata : dict Requested frequency-dependent data such as glitches, ratios, and epsilon difference. It also contains the covariance matrix and its inverse of the individual frequency modes. The keys correspond to the science case, e.g. `r01a, `glitch`, or `e012`. Inside each case, you find the data (`data`), the covariance matrix (`cov`), and its inverse (`covinv`). joinkeys : array Array containing the mode identification of the matched observed and modelled modes. join : array Array containing the matched observed and modelled modes. modkey : array Array containing the mode identification of the modelled modes. mod : array Array containing the modelled modes. ratiotype : str Key for the ratio sequence to be plotted (e.g. `r01`, `r02`, `r012`) output : str or None, optional Filename for saving the plot. nonewfig : bool, optional If True, this creates a new canvas. Otherwise, the plot is added to the existing canvas. threepoint : bool If True, use three point definition of r01 and r10 ratios instead of default five point definition. interp_ratios : bool If True (default), plot how the model ratios are linearly interpolated to the frequencies of the observed ratios, in order to compare the sequences at the same frequencies. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) obsratio = obsfreqdata[ratiotype]["data"] # Exit if there are no ratios to plot if obsratio is None: plt.close(fig) return obsratio_cov = obsfreqdata[ratiotype]["cov"] obsratio_err = np.sqrt(np.diag(obsratio_cov)) if interp_ratios: modratio = freq_fit.compute_ratioseqs( modkey, mod, ratiotype, threepoint=threepoint ) else: modratio = freq_fit.compute_ratioseqs( joinkeys, join[0:2, :], ratiotype, threepoint=threepoint ) handles = [] for rtype in set(obsratio[2, :]): obsmask = obsratio[2, :] == rtype modmask = modratio[2, :] == rtype rtname = "r{:02d}".format(int(rtype)) modp = ax.scatter( modratio[1, modmask], modratio[0, modmask], marker=modmarkers["ratio"], color=colors[rtname], edgecolors="k", zorder=3, label=r"Best fit ($r_{{{:02d}}}$)".format(int(rtype)), ) ax.plot( modratio[1, modmask], modratio[0, modmask], "-", color="darkgrey", alpha=0.9, zorder=-1, ) obsp = ax.errorbar( obsratio[1, obsmask], obsratio[0, obsmask], yerr=obsratio_err[obsmask], marker=obsmarker, color=colors[rtname], mec="k", mew=0.5, linestyle="None", zorder=3, label=r"Measured ($r_{{{:02d}}}$)".format(int(rtype)), ) ax.plot( obsratio[1, obsmask], obsratio[0, obsmask], "-", color=colors[rtname], zorder=-1, ) if interp_ratios: intfunc = interp1d( modratio[1, modmask], modratio[0, modmask], kind="linear" ) # When only plotting, not fitting, model freqs can be outside observed range rangemask = np.ones(sum(obsmask), dtype=bool) rangemask &= obsratio[1, obsmask] > min(modratio[1, modmask]) rangemask &= obsratio[1, obsmask] < max(modratio[1, modmask]) newmod = intfunc(obsratio[1, obsmask][rangemask]) marker = splinemarkers[1] if "1" in str(rtype) else splinemarkers[2] (intp,) = ax.plot( obsratio[1, obsmask][rangemask], newmod, marker=marker, color="k", markeredgewidth=2, alpha=0.7, lw=0, zorder=5, label=r"$r_{{{:02d}}}(\nu^{{\mathrm{{obs}}}})$".format(int(rtype)), ) handles.extend([modp, intp, obsp]) else: handles.extend([modp, obsp]) nbase = 3 if interp_ratios else 2 lgnd = ax.legend( handles, [h.get_label() for h in handles], bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 1.02, 1.0, 0.102), loc=8, ncol=nbase * len(set(obsratio[2, :])), mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.0, ) for i in range(len(lgnd.legendHandles)): lgnd.legendHandles[i]._sizes = [50] ax.set_xlabel(r"Frequency ($\mu$Hz)") ax.set_ylabel(f"Frequency ratio ({ratiotype})") ylim = ax.get_ylim() ax.set_ylim(max(ylim[0], 0), ylim[1]) if output is not None: fig.savefig(output, bbox_inches="tight") print("Saved figure to " + output) plt.close(fig)
[docs] def confidence_ellipse( mean_x, std_x, mean_y, std_y, cov, ax, facecolor="none", **kwargs ): """ Create a plot of the covariance confidence ellipse of *x* and *y*. Parameters ---------- mean_x : float Mean of input x std_x : float Standard deviation of input x mean_y : float Mean of input y std_y : float Standard deviation of input y cov : float Covariance of x and y ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object to draw the ellipse into. **kwargs Forwarded to `~matplotlib.patches.Ellipse` Returns ------- matplotlib.patches.Ellipse """ pearson_correlation = cov / (std_x * std_y) ell_radius_x = np.sqrt(1 + pearson_correlation) ell_radius_y = np.sqrt(1 - pearson_correlation) ellipse = patches.Ellipse( (0, 0), width=ell_radius_x * 2, height=ell_radius_y * 2, facecolor=facecolor, **kwargs, ) transf = ( transforms.Affine2D() .rotate_deg(45) .scale(std_x, std_y) .translate(mean_x, mean_y) ) ellipse.set_transform(transf + ax.transData) return ax.add_patch(ellipse)
def glitchplot( obsfreqdata, sequence, modelvalues, maxPath, maxInd, output, ): labels = { 7: r"$\langle A_{\mathrm{He}}\rangle$ ($\mu$Hz)", 8: r"$\Delta_{\mathrm{He}}$ (s)", 9: r"$\tau_{\mathrm{He}}$ (s)", } # Read in data obsparams = obsfreqdata[sequence]["data"] obs_cov = obsfreqdata[sequence]["cov"] obs_err = np.sqrt(np.diag(obs_cov)) # Start figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(8, 8)) fig.delaxes(ax[0, 1]) # Loop over each track to plot for path, trackparams in modelvalues.items(): AHe = trackparams.AHe dHe = trackparams.dHe[AHe > 1e-14] tauHe = trackparams.tauHe[AHe > 1e-14] AHe = AHe[AHe > 1e-14] ax[1, 0].plot(AHe, dHe, ".", color="grey", ms=5, zorder=1) ax[0, 0].plot(AHe, tauHe, ".", color="grey", ms=5, zorder=1) ax[1, 1].plot(tauHe, dHe, ".", color="grey", ms=5, zorder=1) # AHe vs dHe ax[1, 0].errorbar( obsparams[0, obsparams[2, :] == 7.0], obsparams[0, obsparams[2, :] == 8.0], xerr=obs_err[obsparams[2, :] == 7.0], yerr=obs_err[obsparams[2, :] == 8.0], marker=".", linestyle="None", color="#D55E00", zorder=1, label="Measured", ) ax[1, 0].plot( modelvalues[maxPath].AHe[maxInd], modelvalues[maxPath].dHe[maxInd], "*", ms=20, color="#0072B2", zorder=2, label="Best fit", ) confidence_ellipse( obsparams[0, obsparams[2, :] == 7.0], obs_err[obsparams[2, :] == 7.0], obsparams[0, obsparams[2, :] == 8.0], obs_err[obsparams[2, :] == 8.0], obs_cov[obsparams[2, :] == 7.0, obsparams[2, :] == 8.0], ax[1, 0], edgecolor="#D55E00", lw=1.5, alpha=0.5, ) ax[1, 0].set_xlabel(labels[7]) ax[1, 0].set_ylabel(labels[8]) # AHe vs tauHe ax[0, 0].errorbar( obsparams[0, obsparams[2, :] == 7.0], obsparams[0, obsparams[2, :] == 9.0], xerr=obs_err[obsparams[2, :] == 7.0], yerr=obs_err[obsparams[2, :] == 9.0], marker=".", linestyle="None", color="#D55E00", zorder=1, label="Measured", ) ax[0, 0].plot( modelvalues[maxPath].AHe[maxInd], modelvalues[maxPath].tauHe[maxInd], "*", ms=20, color="#0072B2", zorder=2, label="Best fit", ) confidence_ellipse( obsparams[0, obsparams[2, :] == 7.0], obs_err[obsparams[2, :] == 7.0], obsparams[0, obsparams[2, :] == 9.0], obs_err[obsparams[2, :] == 9.0], obs_cov[obsparams[2, :] == 7.0, obsparams[2, :] == 9.0], ax[0, 0], edgecolor="#D55E00", lw=1.5, alpha=0.5, ) ax[0, 0].set_ylabel(labels[9]) ax[0, 0].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc="upper left", ncol=1) # tauHe vs dHe ax[1, 1].errorbar( obsparams[0, obsparams[2, :] == 9.0], obsparams[0, obsparams[2, :] == 8.0], xerr=obs_err[obsparams[2, :] == 9.0], yerr=obs_err[obsparams[2, :] == 8.0], marker=".", linestyle="None", color="#D55E00", zorder=1, label="Measured", ) ax[1, 1].plot( modelvalues[maxPath].tauHe[maxInd], modelvalues[maxPath].dHe[maxInd], "*", ms=20, color="#0072B2", zorder=2, label="Best fit", ) confidence_ellipse( obsparams[0, obsparams[2, :] == 9.0], obs_err[obsparams[2, :] == 9.0], obsparams[0, obsparams[2, :] == 8.0], obs_err[obsparams[2, :] == 8.0], obs_cov[obsparams[2, :] == 9.0, obsparams[2, :] == 8.0], ax[1, 1], edgecolor="#D55E00", lw=1.5, alpha=0.5, ) ax[1, 1].set_xlabel(labels[9]) if output is not None: fig.savefig(output, bbox_inches="tight") print("Saved figure to " + output) plt.close(fig)
[docs] def epsilon_difference_diagram( mod, modkey, moddnu, sequence, obsfreqdata, output, ): """ Full comparison figure of observed and best-fit model epsilon differences, with individual epsilons and correlation map. Parameters ---------- mod : array Array of frequency modes in best-fit model. modkey : array Array of mode identification of modes in the best-fit model. moddnu : float Average large frequency separation (dnufit) of best-fit model. sequence : str The sequence to be plotted obsfreqdata : dict Requested frequency-dependent data such as glitches, ratios, and epsilon difference. It also contains the covariance matrix and its inverse of the individual frequency modes. The keys correspond to the science case, e.g. `r01a, `glitch`, or `e012`. Inside each case, you find the data (`data`), the covariance matrix (`cov`), and its inverse (`covinv`). obsfreqmeta : dict The requested information about which frequency products to fit or plot, unpacked for easier access later. output : str Name and path of output plotfile. """ delab = r"$\delta\epsilon^{%s}_{0%d}$" obsepsdiff = obsfreqdata[sequence]["data"] obsepsdiff_cov = obsfreqdata[sequence]["cov"] obsepsdiff_err = np.sqrt(np.diag(obsepsdiff_cov)) l_available = [int(ll) for ll in set(obsepsdiff[2])] lindex = np.zeros(mod.shape[1], dtype=bool) for ll in [0, *l_available]: lindex |= modkey[0] == ll mod = mod[:, lindex] modkey = modkey[:, lindex] modepsdiff = freq_fit.compute_epsilondiffseqs( modkey, mod, moddnu, sequence, ) # Mixed modes results in negative differences. Flag using nans, not displayed mask = np.where(modepsdiff[0, :] < 0)[0] modepsdiff[0, mask] = np.nan fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) handles, legends = [], [] for ll in l_available: indobs = obsepsdiff[2] == ll indmod = modepsdiff[2] == ll indmod &= modepsdiff[1] > min(obsepsdiff[1]) - 3 * moddnu indmod &= modepsdiff[1] < max(obsepsdiff[1]) + 3 * moddnu indmod &= ~np.isnan(modepsdiff[0]) # Model with spline (moddot,) = ax.plot( modepsdiff[1][indmod], modepsdiff[0][indmod], marker=modmarkers["l" + str(ll)], color=colors["l" + str(ll)], lw=0, ) # Observed with uncertainties obsdot = ax.errorbar( obsepsdiff[1][indobs], obsepsdiff[0][indobs], yerr=obsepsdiff_err[indobs], marker=obsmarker, color=colors["l" + str(ll)], markeredgewidth=0.5, markeredgecolor="k", zorder=3, ) if sum(indmod) > 1: spline = CubicSpline( modepsdiff[1][indmod], modepsdiff[0][indmod], extrapolate=False ) fnew = np.linspace( min(modepsdiff[1][indmod]), max(modepsdiff[1][indmod]), 100 ) ax.plot(fnew, spline(fnew), "-", color=splinecolor, zorder=-1) # Model at observed (modobs,) = ax.plot( obsepsdiff[1][indobs], spline(obsepsdiff[1][indobs]), marker=splinemarkers[ll], color="k", markeredgewidth=2, alpha=0.7, lw=0, ) handles.extend([moddot, obsdot, modobs]) legends.extend( [ delab % ("mod", ll), delab % ("obs", ll), delab % ("mod", ll) + r"$(\nu^{obs})$", ] ) else: handles.extend([moddot, obsdot]) legends.extend( [ delab % ("mod", ll), delab % ("obs", ll), ] ) # To get the right order of entries in the legend h, l = [], [] for i in range(3): h.extend(handles[i::3]) l.extend(legends[i::3]) lgnd = ax.legend( h, l, bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 1.02, 1.0, 0.102), loc=8, ncol=9, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.0, ) for i in range(len(lgnd.legendHandles)): lgnd.legendHandles[i]._sizes = [50] ax.set_xlabel(r"Frequency ($\mu$Hz)") ax.set_ylabel(r"Epsilon difference $\delta\epsilon_{0\ell}$") ylim = ax.get_ylim() ax.set_ylim(max(ylim[0], 0), ylim[1]) fig.tight_layout() if output is not None: print("Saved figure to " + output) fig.savefig(output) plt.close(fig) else: return fig
[docs] def correlation_map(fittype, obsfreqdata, output, obskey=None): """ Routine for plotting a correlation map of the plotted ratios Parameters ---------- fittype : str The type of frequency product (individual, ratios, epsilon differences) for which to to the correlation map of. obsfreqdata : dict All necessary frequency related data from observations. output : str Name and path to output figure. obskey : array, optional Contains radial order and degree of frequencies, used if plotting for individual frequencies. """ # Determine information for constructing labels if fittype in freqtypes.freqs: fmtstr = r"$\nu({:d}, {:d})$" ln_zip = zip(obskey[0, :], obskey[1, :]) elif fittype in freqtypes.rtypes: data = obsfreqdata[fittype]["data"] if data is None: return fmtstr = r"$r_{{{:02d}}}({{{:d}}})$" ln_zip = zip(data[2, :], data[3, :]) elif fittype in freqtypes.epsdiff: data = obsfreqdata[fittype]["data"] if data is None: return fmtstr = r"$\delta\epsilon_{{{:02d}}}({{{:d}}})$" ln_zip = zip(data[2, :], data[3, :]) elif fittype in freqtypes.glitches: data = obsfreqdata[fittype]["data"] if data is None: return fmtstr = r"$r_{{{:02d}}}({{{:d}}})$" if fittype != "glitches": ln_zip = zip(data[2, :-3], data[3, :-3]) else: ln_zip = [] # Construct labels labs = [] for l, n in ln_zip: labs.append(fmtstr.format(int(l), int(n))) # Append special glitches labels if fittype in freqtypes.glitches: glitchlabels = { 7: r"$\langle A_{\mathrm{He}}\rangle$ ($\mu$Hz)", 8: r"$\Delta_{\mathrm{He}}$ (s)", 9: r"$\tau_{\mathrm{He}}$ (s)", } for glitchtype in data[2, -3:]: labs.append(glitchlabels[int(glitchtype)]) # Compute correlations cov = obsfreqdata[fittype]["cov"] Dinv = np.diag(1 / np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))) cor = Dinv @ cov @ Dinv # Produce figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(7.3, 6)) im = ax.imshow(cor, cmap="RdBu_r", vmin=-1, vmax=1) plt.colorbar(im) # Beautify ax.set_xticks(range(cov.shape[1])) ax.set_xticklabels(labs, rotation=90) ax.set_yticks(range(cov.shape[1])) ax.set_yticklabels(labs) fig.tight_layout() if output is not None: fig.savefig(output, bbox_inches="tight") print("Saved figure to " + output) plt.close(fig)
############### # DEBUG PLOTS # ###############
[docs] def epsilon_difference_components_diagram( mod, modkey, moddnu, obs, obskey, dnudata, obsfreqdata, obsfreqmeta, output, ): """ Full comparison figure of observed and best-fit model epsilon differences, with individual epsilons and correlation map. Parameters ---------- mod : array Array of frequency modes in best-fit model. modkey : array Array of mode identification of modes in the best-fit model. moddnu : float Average large frequency separation (dnufit) of best-fit model. obs : array Array of observed frequency modes. obskey : array Array of mode identification of observed frequency modes. dnudata : float Inputted average large frequency separation (dnu) of observations. obsfreqdata : dict Requested frequency-dependent data such as glitches, ratios, and epsilon difference. It also contains the covariance matrix and its inverse of the individual frequency modes. The keys correspond to the science case, e.g. `r01a, `glitch`, or `e012`. Inside each case, you find the data (`data`), the covariance matrix (`cov`), and its inverse (`covinv`). obsfreqmeta : dict The requested information about which frequency products to fit or plot, unpacked for easier access later. output : str Name and path of output plotfile. """ # Prepared labels and markers delab = r"$\delta\epsilon^{%s}_{0%d}$" elab = r"$\epsilon_{%d}$" epsdifftype = obsfreqmeta["epsdiff"]["plot"][0] obsepsdiff = obsfreqdata[epsdifftype]["data"] obsepsdiff_cov = obsfreqdata[epsdifftype]["cov"] obsepsdiff_err = np.sqrt(np.diag(obsepsdiff_cov)) l_available = [int(ll) for ll in set(obsepsdiff[2])] lindex = np.zeros(mod.shape[1], dtype=bool) for ll in [0, *l_available]: lindex |= modkey[0] == ll mod = mod[:, lindex] modkey = modkey[:, lindex] modepsdiff = freq_fit.compute_epsilondiffseqs( modkey, mod, moddnu, epsdifftype, ) # Recompute to determine if possible but extrapolated modes edextrapol = freq_fit.compute_epsilondiffseqs( obskey, obs, dnudata, epsdifftype, ) nu12 = edextrapol[1][edextrapol[2] > 0] nu0 = obs[0][obskey[0] == 0] expol = np.where(np.logical_or(nu12 < min(nu0), nu12 > max(nu0)))[0] # Definition of figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(8.47, 6), sharex="col", sharey="row") # Epsilon differences for ll in l_available: indobs = obsepsdiff[2] == ll indmod = modepsdiff[2] == ll # Constrained model range indmod &= modepsdiff[1] > min(obsepsdiff[1]) - 3 * moddnu indmod &= modepsdiff[1] < max(obsepsdiff[1]) + 3 * moddnu spline = CubicSpline(modepsdiff[1][indmod], modepsdiff[0][indmod]) fnew = np.linspace(min(modepsdiff[1][indmod]), max(modepsdiff[1][indmod]), 1000) # Raw model with spline ax[0, 1].errorbar( modepsdiff[1][indmod], modepsdiff[0][indmod], yerr=np.zeros(sum(indmod)), marker=modmarkers["l" + str(ll)], color=colors["l" + str(ll)], markeredgewidth=0.5, markeredgecolor="k", zorder=3, linestyle="", label=delab % ("", ll), ) ax[0, 1].plot(fnew, spline(fnew), "-", color=splinecolor, zorder=-1) # Spline observed for separate plot spline = CubicSpline(obsepsdiff[1][indobs], obsepsdiff[0][indobs]) fnew = np.linspace(min(obsepsdiff[1][indobs]), max(obsepsdiff[1][indobs]), 100) # Observed with uncertainties and spline ax[0, 0].errorbar( obsepsdiff[1][indobs], obsepsdiff[0][indobs], yerr=obsepsdiff_err[indobs], marker=modmarkers["l" + str(ll)], color=colors["l" + str(ll)], markeredgewidth=0.5, markeredgecolor="k", linestyle="", zorder=3, ) ax[0, 0].plot(fnew, spline(fnew), "-", color="0.7", zorder=-1) # Potential extrapolated points if len(expol): for ll in set(edextrapol[2][expol].astype(int)): ax[0, 0].plot( edextrapol[1][expol][edextrapol[2][expol] == ll], edextrapol[0][expol][edextrapol[2][expol] == ll], marker=obsmarker, lw=0, alpha=0.5, color=colors["l" + str(ll)], label=r"$\nu(\ell={0})\,\notin\,\nu(\ell=0)$".format(ll), ) ax[0, 0].legend() # Individual epsilons for ll in [0, *l_available]: # Extract observed quantities indobs = obskey[0] == ll fre = obs[0][indobs] eps = fre / dnudata - obskey[1][indobs] - ll / 2 err = obs[1][indobs] / dnudata intpol = CubicSpline(fre, eps) fnew = np.linspace(min(fre), max(fre), 100) # Plot observed w. spline ax[1, 0].errorbar( fre, eps, yerr=err, linestyle=None, fmt=modmarkers["l" + str(ll)], color=colors["l" + str(ll)], zorder=3, label=elab % ll, ) ax[1, 0].plot( fnew, intpol(fnew), "-", color=splinecolor, ) # Extract model quantities indmod = modkey[0] == ll indmod &= mod[0] > min(obsepsdiff[1]) - 3 * moddnu indmod &= mod[0] < max(obsepsdiff[1]) + 3 * moddnu fre = mod[0][indmod] eps = fre / moddnu - modkey[1][indmod] - ll / 2 err = mod[1][indmod] / moddnu intpol = CubicSpline(fre, eps) fnew = np.linspace(min(fre), max(fre), 1000) # Plot model w. spline ax[1, 1].errorbar( fre, eps, yerr=err, linestyle=None, fmt=modmarkers["l" + str(ll)], color=colors["l" + str(ll)], zorder=3, label=elab % ll, ) ax[1, 1].plot(fnew, intpol(fnew), "-", color=splinecolor) ax[0, 1].legend(fontsize=16, bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.0) ax[1, 1].legend(fontsize=16, bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, 1), loc=2) # Axes labels ax[0, 0].set_ylabel(r"Epsilon difference $\delta\epsilon_{0\ell}$") ax[1, 0].set_xlabel(r"Frequency ($\mu$Hz)") ax[1, 0].set_ylabel(r"Epsilon $\epsilon_{\ell}$") ax[1, 1].set_xlabel(r"Frequency ($\mu$Hz)") # Titles ax[0, 0].set_title(r"Observed", fontsize=18) ax[0, 1].set_title(r"Model", fontsize=18) fig.tight_layout() # fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.2, hspace=0.4) fig.savefig(output) print("Saved figure to " + output) plt.close(fig)