Source code for preview_interpolation

Preview the change in resolution and final distribution of tracks/isochrones
for running BASTA with interpolation.
from basta.downloader import get_basta_dir

# Definition of the path to BASTA, just in case you need it
BASTADIR = get_basta_dir()

[docs] def define_preview(define_input, define_along, define_across): """ Define information for previewing an interpolation run. Fill the relevant dictionaries and pass it to the automatic routines. Full explanation of options is also given in ``, block 5. """ # ================================================================================== # BLOCK 1: Grid and limits for subgrid # ================================================================================== # The path to the grid to be used by BASTA define_input["gridfile"] = os.path.join(BASTADIR, "grids", "Garstec_16CygA.hdf5") # If the inputted grid is BaSTI isochrones, specify the science case. See # `` block 2c for available cases by standard # define_input["odea"] = (0, 0, 0, 0) # Construction of interpolated grid(s). There are to options: # - "bystar" for an interpolated grid for each star in the input file # - "encompass" for a single grid spanning all of the stars define_input["construction"] = "bystar" # Define limits of subgrid to be interpolated, within the full grid. # Primarely to avoid spending a large amount of time interpolating in regions that # are not close to the fitted star(s). define_input["limits"] = { "Teff": {"abstol": 150}, "FeH": {"abstol": 0.2}, "dnufit": {"abstol": 8}, } # Take ascii-file input in order to do "abstol" and "sigmacut" in limits # If no limits are given in terms of "abstol" or "sigmacut" this can be ignored define_input["asciifile"] = os.path.join("data", "16CygA.ascii") define_input["params"] = ( "starid", "RA", "DEC", "numax", "numax_err", "dnu", "dnu_err", "Teff", "Teff_err", "FeH", "FeH_err", "logg", "logg_err", ) # Output-path outpath = os.path.join("output", "preview_interp_MS") # ================================================================================== # BLOCK 2: Controls for along interpolation # ================================================================================== # To compare the current resolution along a track/isochrone with an inputted value, # switch this option on along_interpolation = True if along_interpolation: # Resolution parameters to preview current resolution for. # Input any list of parameters, "freqs" for viewing the spacing in the l=0 modes # in the models. Compares to the inputted value. define_along["resolution"] = { "freqs": 0.5, # "dnufit": 0.04, # "age": 20, } # Location, name and format of the outputted figure (histogram) # Use either .png (fast) or .pdf (high resolution) format, .png by default define_along["figurename"] = os.path.join( outpath, "interp_preview_along_resolution.pdf" ) # ================================================================================== # BLOCK 3: Controls for across interpolation # ================================================================================== # To compare the current gridresolution with what would be obtained given the input across_interpolation = True if across_interpolation: # Definition of the increase in resolution. "scale" for Sobol sampling with the # given multiplicative increase in the number of tracks/isochrones. For # Cartesian sampling, define the increase in number of tracks between current # points, e.g. "FeHini": 2 will result three times the number of tracks define_across["resolution"] = { "scale": 6, } # Location, name and format of the outputted figure (histogram) # Use either .png (fast) or .pdf (high resolution) format, .png by default define_across["figurename"] = os.path.join( outpath, "interp_preview_across_resolution.pdf" ) # Done! Nothing more to specify. return define_input, define_along, define_across
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AUTOMATED PART OF THE SCRIPT BELOW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[docs] def determine_l0_spacing(grid, bpath, index, track): """ Determine the separation of l=0 modes in the given track, and only for the modes that are continuous throughout the track. It currently differs from the full interpolation scheme, that also accounts for modes appearing and dissapearing within the subgrid, but works as an overview. Parameters ---------- grid : h5py file Input grid bpath : str Base path for accessing the tracks in the grid index : list Booleans of the indices in the track within the subgrid track : str Path to the track parameters Returns ------- diffs : list Absolute spacings between l=0 modes in the subgrid """ # Extract full list of mode keys and frequencies index2d = np.array(np.transpose([index, index])) fullosc = grid[os.path.join(bpath, track, "osc")][index2d].reshape((-1, 2)) fullosckey = grid[os.path.join(bpath, track, "osckey")][index2d].reshape((-1, 2)) # Prepare dat collection of restructured data Ntrack = len(fullosc) nvals = [] fvals = [] dnu = [] # For each model, extract every radial order of l=0 modes for modid in range(Ntrack): osckey, osc = su.get_givenl( l=0, osc=su.transform_obj_array(fullosc[modid]), osckey=su.transform_obj_array(fullosckey[modid]), ) nvals.append(osckey[1]) fvals.append(osc[0]) # Extract modes that are continuous trialn = list(range(40)) goodn = [] for testn in trialn: nstatus = [] for modid in range(Ntrack): if testn in nvals[modid]: nstatus.append(1) if len(nstatus) == Ntrack: goodn.append(testn) # Determine and extract all diffs in the continuous frequency modes diffs = [] for inn, nn in enumerate(goodn): fvector = [fvals[q][np.where(nvals[q] == nn)[0][0]] for q in range(Ntrack)] diffs.extend(abs(np.diff(fvector))) return diffs
[docs] def test_across_interpolation( grid, selectedmodels, acopt, bpath="grid/", outname="across.png" ): """ Runs a test of a set of input parameters for interpolation across in a grid Parameters ---------- gridname : h5py file Input grid selectedmodels : dict Selected models from the original grid, forming the subgrid acopt : dict The given options for across interpolation baseparams : list Parameters forming the base in the grid. If none provided, extract them from the grid as all varied parameters. bpath : str Base path to the tracks in the grid outname : str Name and destination of the outputted figure Returns ------- None """ resolution = acopt["resolution"] if "baseparams" in acopt: baseparams = acopt["baseparams"] else: baseparams = [] if "scale" in resolution: assert resolution["scale"] > 1.0 sobol = resolution["scale"] if len(baseparams) == 0: baseparams = [par.decode("UTF-8") for par in grid["header/pars_sampled"]] base = np.zeros((len(selectedmodels), len(baseparams))) for i, name in enumerate(selectedmodels): for j, bpar in enumerate(baseparams): parm = grid[os.path.join(bpath, name)][bpar][0] base[i, j] = parm tri = spatial.Delaunay(base) newbase, _, _ = iac._calc_sobol_points(base, baseparams, tri, sobol, outname) success = ip.base_corner(baseparams, base, newbase, tri, sobol, outname)
[docs] def test_along_interpolation( grid, selectedmodels, alopt, bpath="grid/", outname="along.png" ): """ Plot histograms of the distribution of spacing of the resolution parameter(s) along the tracks in the subgrid, in order to get and idea of the increase in resolution it will provide. Parameters ---------- grid : h5py file Input grid selectedmodels : dict Selected models from the original grid, forming the subgrid alopt : dict The given options for along interpolation bpath : str Location of tracks/isochrones in gridfile outname : str Name and destination of the outputted figure Returns ------- None """ # Load standard plotstyle, "basta/plots.mplstyle")) freqres = ["freq", "freqs", "frequency", "frequencies", "osc"] # Unpack options resolution = alopt["resolution"] # Start list for collecting spacing results, l=0 frequency is special labpars = ["age"] output = {} freqs = False for i, par in enumerate(resolution): output[par] = [] if par not in freqres: labpars.append(par) else: freqs = True inserti = i + 1 # Loop over each track, and extract spacing for each parameter for nt, track in enumerate(selectedmodels): for par in resolution: index = selectedmodels[track] if par not in freqres: vals = grid[os.path.join(bpath, track, par)][index] output[par].extend(abs(np.diff(vals))) else: # l=0 spacing handled in separate routine diffs = determine_l0_spacing(grid, bpath, index, track) output[par].extend(diffs) # Get parameter labels and colors for plot _, parlab, _, parcol = bc.parameters.get_keys(labpars) if freqs: parlab.insert(inserti, r"$\nu_{\mathrm{l}=0}\,(\mu\mathrm{Hz})$") parcol.insert(inserti, "#EE6677") parlab.pop(0) parcol.pop(0) # Plotting K = len(resolution) fig, axes = plt.subplots(K, 1, figsize=(6, K * 3)) for i, par in enumerate(resolution): if K == 1: ax = axes else: ax = axes[i] res = resolution[par] col = parcol[i] if parcol[i] != "#DDDDDD" else "#88CCEE" # Plot within 3.5 standard deviations, to get manageable ranges x = output[par] md = np.mean(x) std = np.std(x) xlim = [max(md - 3.5 * std, 0), md + 3.5 * std] # Make sure desired resolution is in plot if res < xlim[0]: delta = xlim[1] - res xlim[0] = max(res - delta * 0.1, 0) elif res > xlim[1]: delta = res - xlim[0] xlim[1] = res + delta * 0.1 # Determine bins as in cornerplots bins = np.histogram_bin_edges(x, bins="auto") ax.hist(x, bins=bins, color=col, label=r"Grid") # Plot the inputted 'desired' resolution ylim = ax.get_ylim() ax.plot([res, res], list(ylim), color="k", label=r"Desired") # Set labelling stuff ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xlabel(parlab[i]) ax.legend(title=r"Resolution:", title_fontsize=13) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(outname) plt.close()
def _unpack_input(inputinf): """ Determines the limits "bystar" while for encompass, replaces list by a single entry. Also provides prefix for plots, given "bystar" method. Parameters ---------- inputinf : dict Inputted generel info Returns ------- limits_list : dict Limits "bystar" or for all in case of encompass construction names : dict Prefix for plots, depending on construction """ construct = inputinf["construction"] # First, read input limopts = np.array(["min", "max", "abstol", "sigmacut"]) read_asc = False limits = {} for par, dlim in input_info["limits"].items(): parlim = [-np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf] for lim, val in dlim.items(): # Check and find the limit as an allowed option try: opt = np.where(limopts == lim)[0][0] except: errmsg = "Limit given as '{0}', but must be given as '{1}'!" raise KeyError(errmsg.format(lim, "', '".join(limopts))) # If abstol or sigmacut requested, turn on ascii read if opt > 1: read_asc = True parlim[opt] = val # Collect inputted values limits[par] = parlim # If required, read the asc file if read_asc: asciifile = inputinf["asciifile"] params = inputinf["params"] inp = np.genfromtxt(asciifile, dtype=None, names=params, encoding=None) params = np.asarray(params) if inp.ndim == 0: inp = inp.reshape(1, -1)[0] # If by star, and star-dependent limits determine limits for each star limits_list = {} names = {} if construct == "bystar" and read_asc: for i in range(len(inp)): starlimits = {} for par, vals in limits.items(): gpar = "dnu" if "dnu" in par else par minv, maxv, abst, nsig = vals # Check abstol if abst != np.inf: starval = xu._get_param(inp[i], params, gpar) if starval - abst / 2.0 > minv: minv = starval - abst / 2.0 if starval + abst / 2.0 < maxv: maxv = starval + abst / 2.0 # Check sigmacut if nsig != np.inf: starval = xu._get_param(inp[i], params, gpar) starerr = xu._get_param(inp[i], params, gpar + "_err") if starval - starerr * nsig > minv: minv = starval - starerr * nsig if starval + starerr * nsig < maxv: maxv = starval + starerr * nsig # Add parameter limits starlimits[par] = [minv, maxv] starid = xu._get_param(inp[i], params, "starid") limits_list[starid] = starlimits names[starid] = str(starid) + "_" # If overall or no asc read, do one overall limits elif construct == "encompass" or not read_asc: all_limits = {} for par, vals in limits.items(): gpar = "dnu" if "dnu" in par else par minv, maxv, abst, nsig = vals if not read_asc: all_limits[par] = [minv, maxv] else: # Check abstol limits if abst != np.inf: starvals = [xu._get_param(i, params, gpar) for i in inp] if min(starvals) - abst / 2.0 > minv: minv = min(starvals) - abst / 2.0 if max(starvals) + abst / 2.0 < maxv: maxv = max(starvals) + abst / 2.0 # Check sigmacut limits if nsig != np.inf: starvals = [xu._get_param(i, params, gpar) for i in inp] starerr = max( [xu._get_param(i, params, gpar + "_err") for i in inp] ) if min(starvals) - starerr * nsig > minv: minv = min(starvals) - starerr * nsig if max(starvals) + starerr * nsig < maxv: maxv = max(starvals) + starerr * nsig # Add parameter all_limits[par] = [minv, maxv] # Seems odd, but works limits_list["all"] = all_limits names["all"] = "" return limits_list, names if __name__ == "__main__": import os import sys import h5py import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import spatial from basta import constants as bc from basta import utils_seismic as su from basta import utils_xml as xu from basta import interpolation_across as iac from basta import interpolation_helpers as ih from basta import plot_interp as ip input_info = {} along_info = {} across_info = {} settings = define_preview(input_info, along_info, across_info) input_info, along_info, across_info = settings # Check that the user has actually toggled anything on if len(along_info.keys()) < 1 and len(across_info.keys()) < 1: raise KeyError("You have yet to toggle any preview on....") # Unpack grid access variables grid = h5py.File(input_info["gridfile"], "r") if "odea" not in input_info.keys(): basepath = "grid/" else: odea = input_info["odea"] basepath = "ove={0:.4f}/dif={1:.4f}/eta={2:.4f}/alphaFe={3:.4f}/".format( odea[0], odea[1], odea[2], odea[3] ) # Unpack subgrid related all_lim, all_names = _unpack_input(input_info) i = 0 for star, limits in all_lim.items(): prefix = all_names[star] if star == "all": print("Preparing...") else: print("Preparing star '{0}'...".format(star)) print("Using the following limits for subgrid:") for lim, vals in limits.items(): print("\t" + lim + ": [{0:.3f} , {1:.3f}]".format(vals[0], vals[1])) selectedmodels = ih.get_selectedmodels(grid, basepath, limits) # Run along preview if len(along_info.keys()) > 0: print("Plotting along interpolation preview...") figname = along_info["figurename"].split("/")[-1] if len(along_info["figurename"].split("/")[:-1]): outdir = along_info["figurename"][: -len(figname)] if not os.path.exists(outdir): print( "Output dir '{0}' does not exist, creating it...".format(outdir) ) os.makedirs(outdir) outname = os.path.join(outdir, prefix + figname) else: outname = prefix + figname if outname[-4:] not in [".png", ".pdf"]: outname += ".png" test_along_interpolation( grid, selectedmodels, along_info, basepath, outname ) print("Shown in " + outname + "\n") # Run along preview if len(across_info.keys()) > 0: print("Plotting across interpolation preview...") figname = across_info["figurename"].split("/")[-1] if len(across_info["figurename"].split("/")[:-1]): outdir = across_info["figurename"][: -len(figname)] if not os.path.exists(outdir): print( "Output dir '{0}' does not exist, creating it...".format(outdir) ) os.makedirs(outdir) outname = os.path.join(outdir, prefix + figname) else: outname = prefix + figname if outname[-4:] not in [".png", ".pdf"]: outname += ".png" test_across_interpolation( grid, selectedmodels, across_info, basepath, outname ) print("Shown in " + outname + "\n") if star == "all": print("\nAll done!\n") else: i += 1 print( "\nDone with star '{0}' ({1}/{2})\n".format( star, i, len(all_lim.keys()) ) ) # DONE !