Source code for stats

Key statistics functions
import os
import copy
import math
import collections

import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.histograms import _hist_bin_fd
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, CubicSpline
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter1d

from basta import freq_fit, glitch_fit
from basta import utils_seismic as su
from basta.constants import sydsun as sydc
from basta.constants import freqtypes, statdata

# Define named tuple used in selectedmodels
Trackstats = collections.namedtuple("Trackstats", "index logPDF chi2")
priorlogPDF = collections.namedtuple("Trackstats", "index logPDF chi2 bayw magw IMFw")
Trackdnusurf = collections.namedtuple("Trackdnusurf", "dnusurf")
Trackglitchpar = collections.namedtuple("Trackglitchpar", "AHe dHe tauHe")

def _weight(N, seisw):
    Determine weighting scheme dependent on given method

    N : int
        Number of data points
    seisw : dict
        User defined control of the weights, by "1/1", "1/N" or
        "1/N-dof", and user defined "dof" and "N" if given

    w : int
        Normalising factor
    # Overwrite N if specified by the user
    if seisw["N"]:
        N = int(seisw["N"])

    # Select weight case
    if seisw["weight"] == "1/1":
        w = 1
    elif seisw["weight"] == "1/N":
        w = N
    elif seisw["weight"] == "1/N-dof":
        if not seisw["dof"]:
            dof = 0
            dof = int(seisw["dof"])
        w = N - dof
    return w

[docs] def chi2_astero( obskey, obs, obsfreqmeta, obsfreqdata, obsintervals, libitem, ind, fitfreqs, warnings=True, shapewarn=0, debug=False, verbose=False, ): """ `chi2_astero` calculates the chi2 contributions from the asteroseismic fitting e.g., the frequency, ratio, or glitch fitting. Parameters ---------- obskey : array Array containing the angular degrees and radial orders of obs obs : array Array containing the modes in the observed data obsfreqmeta : dict The requested information about which frequency products to fit or plot, unpacked for easier access later. obsfreqdata : dict Combinations of frequencies read from the frequency input files. Contains ratios, glitches, epsilon differences and covariance matrices. obsintervals : array Array containing the endpoints of the intervals used in the frequency fitting routine in :func:'freq_fit.calc_join'. As it is the same in all iterations for the observed frequencies, this is computed in su.prepare_obs once and given as an argument in order to save time and memory. libitem : hdf5 group Contains the entire track of models being processed. ind : int The index in libitem corresponding to the current model being processed. fitfreqs : dict Contains all user inputted frequency fitting options. warnings : bool If True, print something when it fails. shapewarn : int If a mismatch in array dimensions of the fitted parameters, or range of frequencies is encountered, this is set to corresponding integer in order to warn the user at the end of the run. debug : str Flag for print control. verbose : str Flag for print control. Returns ------- chi2rut : float The calculated chi2 value for the given model to the observed data. If the calculated value is less than zero, chi2rut will be np.inf. warnings : bool See 'warnings' above. """ # Additional parameters calculated during fitting addpars = {"dnusurf": None, "glitchparams": None} # Unpack model frequencies rawmod = libitem["osc"][ind] rawmodkey = libitem["osckey"][ind] mod = su.transform_obj_array(rawmod) modkey = su.transform_obj_array(rawmodkey) # Determine which model modes correspond to observed modes joins = freq_fit.calc_join( mod=mod, modkey=modkey, obs=obs, obskey=obskey, obsintervals=obsintervals ) if joins is None: chi2rut = np.inf return chi2rut, warnings, shapewarn, 0 else: joinkeys, join = joins nmodes = joinkeys[:, joinkeys[0, :] < 3].shape[1] # Apply surface correction if fitfreqs["fcor"] == "None": corjoin = join elif fitfreqs["fcor"] == "HK08": corjoin, _ = freq_fit.HK08( joinkeys=joinkeys, join=join, nuref=fitfreqs["numax"], bcor=fitfreqs["bexp"], ) elif fitfreqs["fcor"] == "BG14": corjoin, _ = freq_fit.BG14( joinkeys=joinkeys, join=join, scalnu=fitfreqs["numax"] ) elif fitfreqs["fcor"] == "cubicBG14": corjoin, _ = freq_fit.cubicBG14( joinkeys=joinkeys, join=join, scalnu=fitfreqs["numax"] ) else: print(f'ERROR: fcor must be either "None" or in {freqtypes.surfeffcorrs}') return # Initialize chi2 value chi2rut = 0.0 if any(x in freqtypes.freqs for x in fitfreqs["fittypes"]): # The frequency correction moved up before the ratios fitting! # --> If fitting frequencies, just add the already calculated things x = corjoin[0, :] - corjoin[2, :] w = _weight(len(corjoin[0, :]), fitfreqs["seismicweights"]) covinv = obsfreqdata["freqs"]["covinv"] if x.shape[0] == covinv.shape[0]: chi2rut += ( / w else: shapewarn = 1 chi2rut = np.inf if ~np.isfinite(chi2rut): chi2rut = np.inf if debug and verbose: print("DEBUG: Computed non-finite chi2, setting chi2 to inf") elif chi2rut < 0: chi2rut = np.inf if debug and verbose: print("DEBUG: chi2 less than zero, setting chi2 to inf") # Add large frequency separation term (using corrected frequencies!) # --> Equivalent to 'dnufit', but using the frequencies *after* # applying the surface correction. # --> Compared to the observed value, which is 'dnudata'. if fitfreqs["dnufit_in_ratios"]: # Read observed dnu dnudata = obsfreqdata["freqs"]["dnudata"] dnudata_err = obsfreqdata["freqs"]["dnudata_err"] # Compute surface corrected dnu dnusurf, _ = freq_fit.compute_dnu_wfit(joinkeys, corjoin, fitfreqs["numax"]) chi2rut += ((dnudata - dnusurf) / dnudata_err) ** 2 # Add the chi-square terms for ratios if any(x in freqtypes.rtypes for x in fitfreqs["fittypes"]): if not all(joinkeys[1, joinkeys[0, :] < 3] == joinkeys[2, joinkeys[0, :] < 3]): chi2rut = np.inf return chi2rut, warnings, shapewarn, 0 # Add frequency ratios terms ratiotype = obsfreqmeta["ratios"]["fit"][0] # Interpolate model ratios to observed frequencies if fitfreqs["interp_ratios"]: # Get all available model ratios broadratio = freq_fit.compute_ratioseqs( modkey, mod, ratiotype, threepoint=fitfreqs["threepoint"], ) modratio = copy.deepcopy(obsfreqdata[ratiotype]["data"]) # Seperate and interpolate within the separate r01, r10 and r02 sequences for rtype in set(modratio[2, :]): obsmask = modratio[2, :] == rtype modmask = broadratio[2, :] == rtype # Check we have the range to interpolate if ( modratio[1, obsmask][0] < broadratio[1, modmask][0] or modratio[1, obsmask][-1] > broadratio[1, modmask][-1] ): chi2rut = np.inf shapewarn = 2 return chi2rut, warnings, shapewarn, 0 intfunc = interp1d( broadratio[1, modmask], broadratio[0, modmask], kind="linear" ) modratio[0, obsmask] = intfunc(modratio[1, obsmask]) else: modratio = freq_fit.compute_ratioseqs( joinkeys, join, ratiotype, threepoint=fitfreqs["threepoint"] ) # Calculate chi square with chosen asteroseismic weight x = obsfreqdata[ratiotype]["data"][0, :] - modratio[0, :] w = _weight(len(x), fitfreqs["seismicweights"]) covinv = obsfreqdata[ratiotype]["covinv"] if x.shape[0] == covinv.shape[0]: chi2rut += ( / w else: shapewarn = 1 chi2rut = np.inf # Add contribution from glitches if any(x in freqtypes.glitches for x in fitfreqs["fittypes"]): # Obtain glitch sequence to be fitted glitchtype = obsfreqmeta["glitch"]["fit"][0] # Compute surface corrected dnu, if not already computed if not fitfreqs["dnufit_in_ratios"]: dnusurf, _ = freq_fit.compute_dnu_wfit(joinkeys, corjoin, fitfreqs["numax"]) # Assign acoustic depts for glitch search ac_depths = { "tauHe": libitem["tauhe"][ind], "dtauHe": 100.0, "tauCZ": libitem["taubcz"][ind], "dtauCZ": 200.0, } # If interpolating in ratios (default), we need to do an extra step if fitfreqs["interp_ratios"] and "r" in glitchtype: # Get all ratios of model broadglitches = glitch_fit.compute_glitchseqs( joinkeys, join, glitchtype, dnusurf, fitfreqs, ac_depths, debug, ) # Construct output array modglitches = copy.deepcopy(obsfreqdata[glitchtype]["data"]) modglitches[0, -3:] = broadglitches[0, -3:] # Separate and interpolate within the separate r01, r10 and r02 sequences # rtype = {7, 8, 9} is glitch parameters, can't interpolate those for rtype in set(modglitches[2, :]) - {7.0, 8.0, 9.0}: joinmask = modglitches[2, :] == rtype broadmask = broadglitches[2, :] == rtype # Check we are in range if ( modglitches[1, joinmask][0] < broadglitches[1, broadmask][0] or modglitches[1, joinmask][-1] > broadglitches[1, broadmask][-1] ): chi2rut = np.inf shapewarn = 2 return chi2rut, warnings, shapewarn, addpars intfunc = interp1d( broadglitches[1, broadmask], broadglitches[0, broadmask], kind="linear", ) modglitches[0, joinmask] = intfunc(modglitches[1, joinmask]) else: # Get model glitch sequence modglitches = glitch_fit.compute_glitchseqs( joinkeys, join, glitchtype, dnusurf, fitfreqs, ac_depths, debug, ) # Calculate chi square difference x = obsfreqdata[glitchtype]["data"][0, :] - modglitches[0, :] w = _weight(len(x), fitfreqs["seismicweights"]) covinv = obsfreqdata[glitchtype]["covinv"] if x.shape[0] == covinv.shape[0] and not any(np.isnan(x)): chi2rut += ( / w else: shapewarn = 1 chi2rut = np.inf # Store the determined glitch parameters for outputting addpars["glitchparams"] = modglitches[0, -3:] if any([x in freqtypes.epsdiff for x in fitfreqs["fittypes"]]): epsdifftype = list(set(fitfreqs["fittypes"]).intersection(freqtypes.epsdiff))[0] obsepsdiff = obsfreqdata[epsdifftype]["data"] # Purge model freqs of unused modes l_available = [int(ll) for ll in obsepsdiff[2]] index = np.zeros(mod.shape[1], dtype=bool) for ll in [0, *l_available]: index |= modkey[0] == ll mod = mod[:, index] modkey = modkey[:, index] # Compute epsilon differences of the model # --> (0: deps, 1: nu, 2: l, 3: n) modepsdiff = freq_fit.compute_epsilondiffseqs( modkey, mod, libitem["dnufit"][ind], sequence=epsdifftype, nsorting=fitfreqs["nsorting"], ) # Mixed modes results in negative differences. Flag using nans mask = np.where(modepsdiff[0, :] < 0)[0] modepsdiff[0, mask] = np.nan # Interpolate model epsdiff to the frequencies of the observations evalepsdiff = np.zeros(obsepsdiff.shape[1]) evalepsdiff[:] = np.nan for ll in l_available: indobs = obsepsdiff[2] == ll indmod = modepsdiff[2] == ll nans = np.isnan(modepsdiff[0][indmod]) if sum(~nans) > 1: spline = CubicSpline( modepsdiff[1][indmod][~nans], modepsdiff[0][indmod][~nans], extrapolate=False, ) evalepsdiff[indobs] = spline(obsepsdiff[1][indobs]) # Compute chi^2 of epsilon contribution chi2rut = 0.0 x = obsepsdiff[0] - evalepsdiff w = _weight(len(evalepsdiff), fitfreqs["seismicweights"]) covinv = obsfreqdata[epsdifftype]["covinv"] chi2rut += ( / w # Check extreme values if any(np.isnan(evalepsdiff)): chi2rut = np.inf shapewarn = 3 elif ~np.isfinite(chi2rut) or chi2rut < 0: chi2rut = np.inf # Store dnusurf for output if fitfreqs["dnufit_in_ratios"]: addpars["dnusurf"] = dnusurf return chi2rut, warnings, shapewarn, addpars
[docs] def most_likely(selectedmodels): """ Find the index of the model with the highest probability Parameters ---------- selectedmodels : dict Contains information on all models with a non-zero likelihood. Returns ------- maxPDF_path : str The path to the model with the highest probability. maxPDF_ind : int Index of the model with the highest probability. """ maxPDF = -np.inf for path, trackstats in selectedmodels.items(): i = np.argmax(trackstats.logPDF) if trackstats.logPDF[i] > maxPDF: maxPDF = trackstats.logPDF[i] maxPDF_path = path maxPDF_ind = trackstats.index.nonzero()[0][i] if maxPDF == -np.inf: print("The logPDF are all -np.inf") return maxPDF_path, maxPDF_ind
[docs] def lowest_chi2(selectedmodels): """ Find the index of the model with the lowest chi2 (only gaussian fitting parameters) Parameters ---------- selectedmodels : dict Contains information on all models with a non-zero likelihood. Returns ------- minchi2_path : str Path to the model with the lowest chi2. minchi2_ind : int Index of the model with the lowest chi2. """ minchi2 = np.inf for path, trackstats in selectedmodels.items(): i = np.argmin(trackstats.chi2) if trackstats.chi2[i] < minchi2: minchi2 = trackstats.chi2[i] minchi2_path = path minchi2_ind = trackstats.index.nonzero()[0][i] return minchi2_path, minchi2_ind
[docs] def chi_for_plot(selectedmodels): """ FOR VALIDATION PLOTTING! Could this be combined with the functions above in a wrapper? Return chi2 value of HLM and LCM. """ # Get highest likelihood model (HLM) maxPDF = -np.inf minchi2 = np.inf for _, trackstats in selectedmodels.items(): i = np.argmax(trackstats.logPDF) j = np.argmin(trackstats.chi2) if trackstats.logPDF[i] > maxPDF: maxPDF = trackstats.logPDF[i] maxPDFchi2 = trackstats.chi2[i] if trackstats.chi2[j] < minchi2: minchi2 = trackstats.chi2[j] return maxPDFchi2, minchi2
[docs] def get_highest_likelihood(Grid, selectedmodels, inputparams): """ Find highest likelihood model and print info. Parameters ---------- Grid : hdf5 object The already loaded grid, containing the tracks/isochrones. selectedmodels : dict Contains information on all models with a non-zero likelihood. inputparams : dict The standard bundle of all fitting information Returns ------- maxPDF_path : str Path to model with maximum likelihood. maxPDF_ind : int Index of model with maximum likelihood. """ print("\nHighest likelihood model:") maxPDF_path, maxPDF_ind = most_likely(selectedmodels) print( "* Weighted, non-normalized log-probability:", np.max(selectedmodels[maxPDF_path].logPDF), ) print("* Grid-index: {0}[{1}], with parameters:".format(maxPDF_path, maxPDF_ind)) # Print name if it exists if "name" in Grid[maxPDF_path]: print(" - Name:", Grid[maxPDF_path + "/name"][maxPDF_ind].decode("utf-8")) # Print parameters outparams = inputparams["asciiparams"] dnu_scales = inputparams.get("dnu_scales", {}) for param in outparams: if param == "distance": continue paramval = Grid[os.path.join(maxPDF_path, param)][maxPDF_ind] # Handle the scaled asteroseismic parameters if param.startswith("dnu") and param not in ["dnufit", "dnufitMos12"]: dnu_rescal = dnu_scales.get(param, 1.00) scaleval = paramval * inputparams.get("dnusun", sydc.SUNdnu) / dnu_rescal elif param.startswith("numax"): scaleval = paramval * inputparams.get("numsun", sydc.SUNnumax) elif param in ["dnufit", "dnufitMos12"]: scaleval = paramval / dnu_scales.get(param, 1.00) else: scaleval = None if scaleval: scaleprt = f"(after rescaling: {scaleval:12.6f})" else: scaleprt = "" print(" - {0:10}: {1:12.6f} {2}".format(param, paramval, scaleprt)) return maxPDF_path, maxPDF_ind
[docs] def get_lowest_chi2(Grid, selectedmodels, inputparams): """ Find model with lowest chi2 value and print info. Parameters ---------- Grid : hdf5 object The already loaded grid, containing the tracks/isochrones. selectedmodels : dict Contains information on all models with a non-zero likelihood. inputparams : dict The standard bundle of all fitting information Returns ------- minchi2_path : str Path to model with lowest chi2 minchi2_ind : int Index of model with lowest chi2 """ print("\nLowest chi2 model:") minchi2_path, minchi2_ind = lowest_chi2(selectedmodels) print("* chi2:", np.min(selectedmodels[minchi2_path].chi2)) print("* Grid-index: {0}[{1}], with parameters:".format(minchi2_path, minchi2_ind)) # Print name if it exists if "name" in Grid[minchi2_path]: print(" - Name:", Grid[minchi2_path + "/name"][minchi2_ind].decode("utf-8")) # Print parameters outparams = inputparams["asciiparams"] dnu_scales = inputparams.get("dnu_scales", {}) for param in outparams: if param == "distance": continue paramval = Grid[os.path.join(minchi2_path, param)][minchi2_ind] # Handle the scaled asteroseismic parameters if param.startswith("dnu") and param not in ["dnufit", "dnufitMos12"]: dnu_rescal = dnu_scales.get(param, 1.00) scaleval = paramval * inputparams.get("dnusun", sydc.SUNdnu) / dnu_rescal elif param.startswith("numax"): scaleval = paramval * inputparams.get("numsun", sydc.SUNnumax) elif param in ["dnufit", "dnufitMos12"]: scaleval = paramval / dnu_scales.get(param, 1.00) else: scaleval = None if scaleval: scaleprt = f"(after rescaling: {scaleval:12.6f})" else: scaleprt = "" print(" - {0:10}: {1:12.6f} {2}".format(param, paramval, scaleprt)) return minchi2_path, minchi2_ind
[docs] def quantile_1D(data, weights, quantile): """ Compute the weighted quantile of a 1D numpy array. The function is borrowed from the Python package wquantiles Parameters ---------- data : ndarray Input array (one dimension). weights : ndarray Array with the weights of the same size of `data`. quantile : float Quantile to compute. It must have a value between 0 and 1. Returns ------- result : float The output value. """ # Sort the data ind_sorted = np.argsort(data) sorted_data = data[ind_sorted] sorted_weights = weights[ind_sorted] # Compute the auxiliary arrays Sn = np.cumsum(sorted_weights) Pn = (Sn - 0.5 * sorted_weights) / np.sum(sorted_weights) result = np.interp(quantile, Pn, sorted_data) assert not np.any(np.isnan(result)), "NaN encounted in quantile_1D." return result
[docs] def posterior(x, nonzeroprop, sampled_indices, nsigma=0.25): """ Compute posterior of x as a weighted histogram of x with weights y. The bin width is determined by the Freedman Diaconis Estimator The histogram is smoothed using a Gaussian kernel with a width of nsigma*sigma Parameters ---------- x : array samples y : array likelihood of samples nonzeroprop : array indices of x with non-zero likelihood sampled_indices : indices of weighted draws from y, used for bin estimation nsigma : float fractional standard deviation used for smoothing Returns ------- like : function interpolated posterior """ samples = x[nonzeroprop][sampled_indices] xmin, xmax = np.nanmin(samples), np.nanmax(samples) # Check if all entries of x are equal if np.all(x == x[0]) or math.isclose(xmin, xmax, rel_tol=1e-5): xvalues = np.array([x[0], x[0]]) like = np.array([1.0, 1.0]) like = interp1d(xvalues, like, fill_value=0, bounds_error=False) return like # Compute bin width and number of bins N = len(samples) bin_width = _hist_bin_fd(samples, None) if math.isclose(bin_width, 0, rel_tol=1e-5): nbins = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(N))) else: nbins = int(np.ceil((xmax - xmin) / bin_width)) + 1 if nbins > N: nbins = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(N))) bin_edges = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, nbins) xvalues = bin_edges[:-1] + np.diff(bin_edges) / 2.0 sigma = np.std(samples) like = np.histogram(samples, bins=bin_edges, density=True)[0] if sigma > 0 and bin_width > 0: like = gaussian_filter1d(like, (nsigma * sigma / bin_width)) like = interp1d(xvalues, like, fill_value=0, bounds_error=False) return like
[docs] def calc_key_stats(x, centroid, uncert, weights=None): """ Calculate and report the wanted format of centroid value and uncertainties. Parameters ---------- x : list Parameter values of the models with non-zero likelihood. centroid : str Options for centroid value definition, 'median' or 'mean'. uncert : str Options for reported uncertainty format, 'quantiles' or 'std' for standard deviation. weights : list Weights needed to be applied to x before extracting statistics. Returns ------- xcen : float Centroid value xm : float 16'th percentile if quantile selected, 1 sigma for standard deviation. xp : float, None 84'th percentile if quantile selected, None for standard deviation. """ xp = None # Handling af all different combinations of input if uncert == "quantiles" and not type(weights) == type(None): xcen, xm, xp = quantile_1D(x, weights, statdata.quantiles) elif uncert == "quantiles": xcen, xm, xp = np.quantile(x, statdata.quantiles) else: xm = np.std(x) if centroid == "mean" and not type(weights) == type(None): xcen = np.average(x, weights=weights) elif centroid == "mean": xcen = np.mean(x) elif uncert != "quantiles": xcen = np.median(x) return xcen, xm, xp