Source code for utils_general

General mix of utility functions
import sys
from io import IOBase

import numpy as np

[docs] def h5py_to_array(xs): """ Copy vector/dataset from an HDF5 file to a NumPy array Parameters ---------- xs : h5py_dataset The input dataset read by h5py from an HDF5 object Returns ------- res : array_like Copy of the dataset as NumPy array """ res = np.empty(shape=xs.shape, dtype=xs.dtype) res[:] = xs[:] return res
[docs] def prt_center(text, llen): """ Prints a centered line Parameters ---------- text : str The text string to print llen : int Length of the line Returns ------- None """ print("{0}{1}{0}".format(int((llen - len(text)) / 2) * " ", text))
[docs] class Logger(object): """ Class used to redefine stdout to terminal and an output file. Parameters ---------- outfilename : str Absolute path to an output file """ # Credit: def __init__(self, outfilename): self.terminal = sys.stdout self.log = open(outfilename + ".log", "a") def write(self, message): self.terminal.write(message) self.log.write(message) def flush(self): # this flush method is needed for python 3 compatibility. # this handles the flush command by doing nothing. # you might want to specify some extra behavior here. pass
[docs] def list_metallicities(Grid, defaultpath, inputparams, limits): """ Get a list of metallicities in the grid that we loop over Parameters ---------- Grid : hdf5 object The already loaded grid, containing the tracks/isochrones. defaultpath : str Path in Grid inputparams : dict Dictionary of all controls and input. limits : dict Dict of flat priors used in run. Returns ------- metal : list List of possible metalliticies that should be looped over in `bastamain`. """ if "grid" in defaultpath: metal = range(1) else: metal = [x for x in Grid[defaultpath].items() if "=" in x[0]] for i in range(len(metal)): metal[i] = float(metal[i][0][4:]) metal = np.asarray(metal) metal_name = "MeH" if "MeH" in limits else "FeH" if metal_name in limits: metal = metal[ (metal >= limits[metal_name][0]) & (metal <= limits[metal_name][1]) ] return metal
[docs] def unique_unsort(params): """ As we want to check for unique elements to not copy elements, but retain the order they were given in, we have to do this, until numpy implements an 'unsort' key to numpy.unique... Parameters ---------- params : list List of parameters Returns ------- params : list List of unique params, retaining order """ indexes = np.unique(params, return_index=True)[1] return [params[index] for index in sorted(indexes)]
[docs] def compare_output_to_input( starid, inputparams, hout, out, hout_dist, out_dist, uncert="qunatiles", sigmacut=1 ): """ This function compares the outputted value of all fitting parameters to the input that was fitted. If one or more fitting parameters deviates more than 'sigmacut' number of the effective symmetric uncertainty away from their input parameter, a warning is printed and 'starid' is appended to the .warn-file. Parameters ---------- starid : str Unique identifier of current target. inputparms : dict Dict containing input from xml-file. hout : list List of column headers for output out : list List of output values for the columns given in `hout`. uncert : str Type of reported uncertainty to use for comparison. sigmacut : float, optional Number of standard deviation used for determining when to issue a warning. Returns ------- comparewarn : bool Flag to determine whether or not a warning was raised. """ if inputparams["warnoutput"] is False: return False fitparams = inputparams["fitparams"] warnfile = inputparams["warnoutput"] comparewarn = False ps = [] sigmas = [] for p in fitparams: if p in hout: idx = np.nonzero([p == xout for xout in hout])[0][0] xin, xinerr = fitparams[p] if uncert == "quantiles": outerr = (out[idx + 1] + out[idx + 2]) / 2 else: outerr = out[idx + 1] serr = np.sqrt(outerr**2 + xinerr**2) sigma = np.abs(out[idx] - xin) / serr bigdiff = sigma >= sigmacut if bigdiff: comparewarn = True ps.append(p) sigmas.append(sigma) if len(inputparams["magnitudes"]) > 0: for m in list(inputparams["distanceparams"]["filters"]): mdist = "M_" + m if mdist in hout_dist: idx = np.nonzero([x == mdist for x in hout_dist])[0][0] priorM = inputparams["magnitudes"][m]["median"] priorerrp = inputparams["magnitudes"][m]["errp"] priorerrm = inputparams["magnitudes"][m]["errm"] if uncert == "quantiles": outerr = (out_dist[idx + 1] + out_dist[idx + 2]) / 2 else: outerr = out_dist[idx + 1] serr = np.sqrt(((priorerrp + priorerrm) / 2) ** 2 + outerr**2) sigma = np.abs(out_dist[idx] - priorM) / serr bigdiff = sigma >= sigmacut if bigdiff: comparewarn = True ps.append(mdist) sigmas.append(sigma) if "distance" in hout_dist: idx = np.nonzero([x == "distance_joint" for x in hout_dist])[0][0] priordistqs = inputparams["distanceparams"]["priordistance"] priorerrm = priordistqs[0] - priordistqs[1] priorerrp = priordistqs[2] - priordistqs[0] if uncert == "quantiles": outerr = (out_dist[idx + 1] + out_dist[idx + 2]) / 2 else: outerr = out_dist[idx + 1] serr = np.sqrt(((priorerrp + priorerrm) / 2) ** 2 + outerr**2) sigma = np.abs(out_dist[idx] - priordistqs[1]) / serr bigdiff = sigma >= sigmacut if bigdiff: comparewarn = True ps.append("distance") sigmas.append(sigma) if comparewarn: print("A >%s sigma difference was found between input and output of" % sigmacut) print(ps) print("with sigma differences of") print(sigmas) if isinstance(warnfile, IOBase): warnfile.write("{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(starid, ps, sigmas)) else: with open(warnfile, "a") as wf: wf.write("{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(starid, ps, sigmas)) return comparewarn
[docs] def inflog(x): "np.log(x), but where x=0 returns -inf without a warning" with np.errstate(divide="ignore"): return np.log(x)
[docs] def add_out(hout, out, par, x, xm, xp, uncert): """ Add entries in out list, according to the wanted uncertainty. Parameters ---------- hout : list Names in header out : list Parameter values par : str Parameter name x : float Centroid value xm : float Lower bound uncertainty, or symmetric uncertainty xp : float, None Upper bound uncertainty if not symmetric uncertainty (None for symmetric) uncert : str Type of reported uncertainty, "quantiles" or "std" Returns ------- hout : list Header list with added names out : list Parameter list with added entries """ if uncert == "quantiles": hout += [par, par + "_errp", par + "_errm"] out += [x, xp - x, x - xm] else: hout += [par, par + "_err"] out += [x, xm] return hout, out
def normfactor(alphas, ms): # Algorithm from App. A in Pflamm-Altenburg & Kroupa (2006) # ks = np.zeros(len(alphas)) ks[0] = (1 / ms[1]) ** alphas[0] ks[1] = (1 / ms[1]) ** alphas[1] if len(ks) == 2: return ks ks[2] = (ms[2] / ms[1]) ** alphas[1] * (1 / ms[2]) ** alphas[2] if len(ks) == 3: return ks if len(ks) == 4: ks[3] = ( (ms[2] / ms[1]) ** alphas[1] * (ms[3] / ms[2]) ** alphas[2] * (1 / ms[3]) ** alphas[3] ) return ks else: print("Mistake in normfactor")
[docs] def get_parameter_values(parameter, Grid, selectedmodels, noofind): """ Get parameter values from grid Parameters ---------- parameter : str Grid, hdf5 object selectedmodels : models to return noofind : number of parameter values Returns ------- x_all : array parameter values """ x_all = np.zeros(noofind) i = 0 for modelpath in selectedmodels: N = len(selectedmodels[modelpath].logPDF) try: x_all[i : i + N] = selectedmodels[modelpath].paramvalues[parameter] except Exception: x_all[i : i + N] = Grid[modelpath + "/" + parameter][ selectedmodels[modelpath].index ] i += N return x_all
[docs] def printparam(param, xmed, xstdm, xstdp, uncert="quantiles", centroid="median"): """ Pretty-print of output parameter to log and console. Parameters ---------- param : str Name of parameter xmed : float Centroid value (median or mean) xstdm : float Lower bound uncertainty, or symmetric unceartainty xstdp : float Upper bound uncertainty, if not symmetric. Unused if uncert is std. uncert : str, optional Type of reported uncertainty, "quantiles" or "std" centroid : str, optional Type of reported uncertainty, "median" or "mean" Returns ------- None """ # Formats made to accomodate longest possible parameter name ("E(B-V)(joint)") print("{0:9} {1:13} : {2:12.6f}".format(centroid, param, xmed)) if uncert == "quantiles": print("{0:9} {1:13} : {2:12.6f}".format("err_plus", param, xstdp - xmed)) print("{0:9} {1:13} : {2:12.6f}".format("err_minus", param, xmed - xstdm)) else: print("{0:9} {1:13} : {2:12.6f}".format("stdev", param, xstdm)) print("-----------------------------------------------------")