Source code for utils_seismic

Auxiliary functions for frequency analysis
from math import frexp
import os
from copy import deepcopy
from distutils.util import strtobool
from tqdm import tqdm

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline

from basta import freq_fit
from basta import glitch_fit
from basta import fileio as fio
from basta.constants import sydsun as sydc
from basta.constants import freqtypes

from sklearn import covariance as skcov

[docs] def solar_scaling(Grid, inputparams, diffusion=None): """ Transform quantities to solar units based on the assumed solar values. Grids use solar units for numax and for dnu's based on scaling relations. The input values (given in microHz) are converted into solar units to match the grid. Secondly, if a solar model is found in the grid, scale input dnu's according to the value of this model. This scaling will be reversed before outputting results and making plots. Parameters ---------- Grid : hdf5 object The already loaded grid, containing the tracks/isochrones. inputparams : tuple Tuple of strings with the variables to be fitted. diffusion : None or int, optional Selection of solar model with/without diffusion for e.g. the BaSTI isochrones. None signals grids with only one available solar model. For isochrones (with odea), a value of 0 signals no diffusion; 1 is diffusion. Returns ------- inputparams : tuple Modified version of `inputparams` with the added scaled values. """ print("\nTransforming solar-based asteroseismic quantities:", flush=True) # Check for solar values, if not set then use default dnusun = inputparams.get("dnusun", sydc.SUNdnu) numsun = inputparams.get("numsun", sydc.SUNnumax) # Obtain parameter lists fitparams = inputparams.get("fitparams") fitfreqs = inputparams.get("fitfreqs", {}) limits = inputparams.get("limits") # If fitting frequencies, make sure to keep a copy of the original deltaNu if fitfreqs["active"]: fitfreqs["dnu_obs"] = fitfreqs["dnufit"] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # BLOCK 1: Conversion into solar units # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ print("* Converting to solar units if needed...") # ---------------------------------- # TASK 1.1: Conversion of parameters # ---------------------------------- fitpar_convert = [ par for par in fitparams if (par.startswith("dnu") or par.startswith("numax")) ] for param in fitpar_convert: # dnufit is given in muHz in the grid since it is not based on scaling relations if param in ["dnufit", "dnufitMos12"]: continue # Apply the correct conversion oldval = fitparams[param][0] if param.startswith("numax"): convert_factor = numsun else: convert_factor = dnusun fitparams[param] = [p / convert_factor for p in fitparams[param]] # Print conversion for reference print( " - {0} converted from {1:.2f} microHz to {2:.6f} solar units".format( param, oldval, fitparams[param][0] ), "(solar value: {0:2f} microHz)".format(convert_factor), ) # ------------------------------ # TASK 1.2: Conversion of limits # ------------------------------ # Duplicates the approach above) limits_convert = [ par for par in limits if (par.startswith("dnu") or par.startswith("numax")) ] for param in limits_convert: if param in ["dnufit", "dnufitMos12"]: continue if param.startswith("numax"): convert_factor = numsun else: convert_factor = dnusun limits[param] = [p / convert_factor for p in limits[param]] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # BLOCK 2: Scaling dnu to the solar value in the grid # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ------------------------------ # TASK 2.1: Get dnu of solar model # ------------------------------ try: avail_models = list(Grid["solar_models"]) except KeyError: avail_models = [] # Read the user-set flag: Should the scaling be activated? try: solarmodel = strtobool(inputparams.get("solarmodel", "")) except ValueError: print( "Warning: Invalid value given for activation of solar scaling!", "Must be True/False! Will now assume False ...", ) solarmodel = False if solarmodel and len(avail_models) > 0: # For isochrones, the diffusion is specified and names hardwired! if diffusion is not None: if diffusion == 0: sunmodname = "bastisun_new" else: sunmodname = "bastisun_new_diff" else: if len(avail_models) == 1: sunmodname = avail_models[0] else: raise NotImplementedError("More than one solar model found in grid!") # Get all solar model dnu values sunmodpath = os.path.join("solar_models", sunmodname) sunmoddnu = { param: Grid.get(os.path.join(sunmodpath, param))[()] for param in Grid[sunmodpath] if param.startswith("dnu") } print( "* Scaling dnu to the solar model in the grid (path: {0}) ...".format( sunmodpath ) ) elif len(avail_models) == 0: print("* No solar model found! --> Dnu will not be scaled.") sunmoddnu = {} else: print("* Solar model scaling not activated! --> Dnu will not be scaled.") sunmoddnu = {} # ------------------------------ # TASK 2.2: Apply the scaling # ------------------------------ dnu_scales = {} for dnu in sunmoddnu: if (dnu in fitparams) or (dnu in fitfreqs): if dnu in fitparams: if dnu in ["dnufit", "dnufitMos12"]: # Scaling factor is DNU_SUN_GRID / DNU_SUN_OBSERVED dnu_rescal = sunmoddnu[dnu] / dnusun print( " - {0} scaled by {1:.4f} from {2:.2f} to {3:.2f} microHz".format( dnu, dnu_rescal, fitparams[dnu][0], fitparams[dnu][0] * dnu_rescal, ), "(grid Sun: {0:.2f} microHz, real Sun: {1:.2f} microHz)".format( sunmoddnu[dnu], dnusun ), ) else: # Using the scaling relations on the solar model in the grid generally # yields DNU_SUN_SCALING_GRID != DNU_SUN_SCALING_OBS . The exact value # of the solar model DNU from scaling relations is stored in the grid # in solar units (a number close to 1, but not exactly 1). This number # is used as the scaling factor of solar-unit input dnu's dnu_rescal = sunmoddnu[dnu] print( " - {0} scaled by a factor {1:.8f} according to the".format( dnu, dnu_rescal ), "grid-solar-model value from scaling relations", ) fitparams[dnu] = [(dnu_rescal) * p for p in fitparams[dnu]] else: # If in frequency fitting, it is always dnufit (in microHz) # --> Scaling factor is DNU_SUN_GRID / DNU_SUN_OBSERVED dnu_rescal = sunmoddnu[dnu] / dnusun print( " - {0} scaled by {1:.4f} from {2:.2f} to {3:.2f} microHz".format( dnu, dnu_rescal, fitfreqs[dnu], fitfreqs[dnu] * dnu_rescal, ), "(grid Sun: {0:.2f} microHz, real Sun: {1:.2f} microHz)".format( sunmoddnu[dnu], dnusun ), ) fitfreqs[dnu] = dnu_rescal * fitfreqs[dnu] if fitfreqs[dnu + "_err"]: fitfreqs[dnu + "_err"] = dnu_rescal * fitfreqs[dnu + "_err"] print(" (Note: Will be scaled back before outputting results!)") dnu_scales[dnu] = dnu_rescal inputparams["dnu_scales"] = dnu_scales print("Done!") return inputparams
[docs] def prepare_obs(inputparams, verbose=False, debug=False): """ Prepare frequencies and ratios for fitting Parameters ---------- inputparams : dict Inputparameters for BASTA verbose : bool, optional Flag that if True adds extra text to the log (for developers). debug : bool, optional Activate additional output for debugging (for developers) Returns ------- obskey : array Array containing the angular degrees and radial orders of obs obs : array Array containing the modes in the observed data numax : float numax as found in `inputparams`. dnufrac : float The allowed fraction of the large frequency separation that defines when the l=0 mode in the model is close enough to the lowest l=0 mode in the observed set that the model can be considered. fcor : strgs Type of surface correction (see :func:''). obsfreqdata : dict Requested frequency-dependent data such as glitches, ratios, and epsilon difference. It also contains the covariance matrix and its inverse of the individual frequency modes. The keys correspond to the science case, e.g. `r01a, `glitch`, or `e012`. Inside each case, you find the data (`data`), the covariance matrix (`cov`), and its inverse (`covinv`). obsfreqmeta : dict The requested information about which frequency products to fit or plot, unpacked for easier access later. obsintervals : array Array containing the endpoints of the intervals used in the frequency fitting routine in :func:'freq_fit.calc_join'. As it is the same in all iterations for the observed frequencies, this is computed in util.prepare_obs once and given as an argument in order to save time and memory. """ print("\nPreparing asteroseismic input ...") fitfreqs = inputparams.get("fitfreqs") # Get frequency correction method fcor = fitfreqs.get("fcor", "BG14") if fcor not in ["None", *freqtypes.surfeffcorrs]: raise ValueError( f'ERROR: fcor must be either "None" or in {freqtypes.surfeffcorrs}' ) # Get numax numax = fitfreqs.get("numax", False) # *numsun in solar units if not numax: numaxerr = ( "ERROR: numax must be specified when fitting individual" + " frequencies or ratios!" ) raise ValueError(numaxerr) # Just check if 'dnufit' is specified, will be used otherwhere if fitfreqs.get("dnufit", False) is False: raise ValueError("ERROR: We need a deltanu value!") # Get freqplots for what additional to compute to generate plots freqplots = inputparams.get("freqplots") # Load or compute frequency-dependent products obskey, obs, obsfreqdata, obsfreqmeta = fio.read_allseismic( fitfreqs, freqplots, verbose=verbose, debug=debug, ) # Compute the intervals used in frequency fitting if any([x in [*freqtypes.freqs, *freqtypes.rtypes] for x in fitfreqs["fittypes"]]): obsintervals = freq_fit.make_intervals(obs, obskey, dnu=fitfreqs["dnufit"]) else: obsintervals = None print("Done!") return ( obskey, obs, obsfreqdata, obsfreqmeta, obsintervals, )
[docs] def get_givenl(l, osc, osckey): """ Returns frequencies, radial orders, and inertias or uncertainties of a given angular degree l. Parameters ---------- l : int Angular degree between l=0 and l=2 osc : array An array containing the individual frequencies in [0,:] and the inertias/uncertainties in [1, :]. This can also be a joined array between observations and model modes as long as the sorting corresponds to the sorting in osckey. osckey : array An array containing the n and l of the values in osc. They are ordered in the same way. Returns ------- osckey_givenl : array An array containing the n and l of the values in osc for the input l. osc_givenl : array An array containing the individual frequencies, inertias for the input l. """ givenl = osckey[0, :] == l return osckey[:, givenl], osc[:, givenl]
[docs] def transform_obj_array(objarr): """ Transform a two-column nested array with dtype=object into a corresponding 2D array with a dtype matching the indivial columns. Useful for reading frequency information from the BASTA HDF5 files stored in variable sized arrays. """ return np.vstack([objarr[0], objarr[1]])
[docs] def calculate_epsilon(n, l, f, dnu): """ Calculates epsilon by fitting that and dnu to the White et al. 2012, equation (1) Parameters ---------- n: array Radial order of the modes l : array Angular degree of the modes f : array Frequency of the modes dnu : float or None The large frequency parameter. If none is provided, a dnu will be estimated from a fit to l=0 modes. Returns ------- epsilon : float epsilon parameter """ # Fit a dnu, if none is provided if not isinstance(dnu, float): dnucoeff = np.polyfit(range(len(f[l == 0])), f[l == 0], 1) dnu = dnucoeff[0] # The l=0 and l=l mode for each frequency for small separation f0 = np.array([f[l == 0][n[l == 0] == fn][0] for fn in n]) fl = np.array([f[l == fl][n[l == fl] == fn][0] for fn, fl in zip(n, l)]) # Fitting to: nu_nl + deltanu_0l - dnufit (n + l/2) = dnufit * epsilon xvalues = range(len(f)) yvalues = f + (f0 - fl) - dnu * (n + l / 2) fitcoeff = np.polyfit(xvalues, yvalues, 0) return fitcoeff[0] / dnu
[docs] def check_epsilon_of_freqs(freqs, starid, dnu, quiet=False): """ Calculates the offset epsilon of the frequencies, to check if the radial order has been labeled correctly. Value range of epsilon from White et al. 2012 Parameters ---------- freqs : dict Dictionary of frequencies and their modes, as read in read_fre starid : str Unique identifier of star, for printing with the alert dnu : float or None The large frequency parameter. quiet : bool, optional Toggle to silence the output (useful for running batches) Returns ------- ncor : float Correction to the ordering of modes. """ epsilon_limits = [0.6, 1.8] # Read in the data n = freqs["order"] l = freqs["degree"] f = freqs["frequency"] # Can only do this for orders with l=0 modes filt = np.isin(n, n[l == 0]) n = n[filt] l = l[filt] f = f[filt] epsilon = calculate_epsilon(n, l, f, dnu) eps_status = lambda eps: eps >= epsilon_limits[0] and eps <= epsilon_limits[1] ncor = 0 if not eps_status(epsilon): if not quiet: print( "\nStar {:s} has an odd epsilon".format(starid), "value of {:.1f},".format(epsilon), ) while not eps_status(epsilon): if epsilon > epsilon_limits[1]: ncor += 1 else: ncor -= 1 epsilon = calculate_epsilon(n + ncor, l, f, dnu) if not quiet: print( "Correction of n-order by {:d}".format(ncor), "gives epsilon value of {:.1f}.".format(epsilon), ) return ncor else: if not quiet: print( "Star {:s} has an".format(starid), "epsilon of: {:.1f}.".format(epsilon) ) return 0
[docs] def scale_by_inertia(osckey, osc): """ This function outputs the scaled sizes of the modes scaled inversly by the normalized inertia of the mode. Parameters ---------- osckey : array Mode identification of the modes osc : array Frequencies and either inertia in the case of modelled modes or uncertainties in the case of observed modes. Returns ------- s : list List containing 3 array, one per angular degree l. The arrays contain the sizes of the modes scaled by inertia. """ s = [] el0min = np.min(osc[1, :]) _, oscl0 = get_givenl(l=0, osckey=osckey, osc=osc) _, oscl1 = get_givenl(l=1, osckey=osckey, osc=osc) _, oscl2 = get_givenl(l=2, osckey=osckey, osc=osc) if len(oscl0) != 0: s0 = [10 * (1 / (np.log10(2 * n / (el0min)))) ** 2 for n in oscl0[1, :]] s.append(np.asarray(s0)) if len(oscl1) != 0: s1 = [10 * (1 / (np.log10(2 * n / (el0min)))) ** 2 for n in oscl1[1, :]] s.append(np.asarray(s1)) if len(oscl2) != 0: s2 = [10 * (1 / (np.log10(2 * n / (el0min)))) ** 2 for n in oscl2[1, :]] s.append(np.asarray(s2)) return s
[docs] def compute_cov_from_mc(nr, osckey, osc, fittype, args, nrealisations=10000): """ Compute covariance matrix (and its inverse) using Monte Carlo realisations. Parameters ---------- nr : int Size of covariance matrix osckey : array Harmonic degrees, radial orders and radial orders of frequencies. osc : array Frequencies and their error, following the structure of obs. fittype : str Which sequence to determine, see `constants.freqtypes.rtypes` and `constants.freqtypes.epsdiff` for possible sequences. args : dict Set of arguments to pass on to the function that computes the fitting sequences, i.e. `freq_fit.compute_ratioseqs` and `freq_fit.compute_epsilondiffseqs`. nrealisations : int Number of realisations of the sampling for the computation of the covariance matrix. """ # Determine the function used to sample the corresponding sequence type if fittype in freqtypes.rtypes: seqs_function = freq_fit.compute_ratioseqs elif fittype in freqtypes.epsdiff: seqs_function = freq_fit.compute_epsilondiffseqs elif fittype in freqtypes.glitches: seqs_function = glitch_fit.compute_glitchseqs else: raise NotImplementedError( "Science case for covariance matrix is not implemented" ) # Compute different perturbed realisations (Monte Carlo) for covariances nvalues = np.zeros((nrealisations, nr)) perturb_osc = deepcopy(osc) for i in tqdm( range(nrealisations), desc=f"Sampling {fittype} covariances", ascii=True ): perturb_osc[0, :] = np.random.normal(osc[0, :], osc[1, :]) tmp = seqs_function( osckey, perturb_osc, sequence=fittype, **args, ) nvalues[i, :] = tmp[0] nfailed = np.sum(np.isnan(nvalues[:, -1])) if nfailed / nrealisations > 0.3: print(f"Warning: {nfailed} of {nrealisations} failed") # Filter out bad failed iterations nvalues = nvalues[~np.isnan(nvalues).any(axis=1), :] # Derive covariance matrix from MC-realisations and test convergence n = int(round((nrealisations - nfailed) / 2)) tmpcov = skcov.MinCovDet().fit(nvalues[:n, :]).covariance_ fullcov = skcov.MinCovDet().fit(nvalues).covariance_ # Test the convergence (change in standard deviations below a relative tolerance) rdif = np.amax( np.abs( np.divide( np.sqrt(np.diag(tmpcov)) - np.sqrt(np.diag(fullcov)), np.sqrt(np.diag(fullcov)), ) ) ) if rdif > 0.1: print("Warning: Covariance failed to converge!") print("Maximum relative difference = {:.2e} (>0.1)".format(rdif)) # Glitch parameters are more robnustly determined as median of realizations if fittype in freqtypes.glitches: # Simply overwrite values in tmp with median values tmp[0, :] = np.median(nvalues, axis=0) return tmp, fullcov else: return fullcov
[docs] def extend_modjoin(joinkey, join, modkey, mod): """ Re-determines modkey and mod for an extended range of model frequencies. Needed for constructing ratios that are interpolated at observed frequencies, to avoid extrapolation. For each degree l it finds a mode n lower and higher, and appends these. Parameters ---------- joinkey : array Joined frequency identification keys of observations and model. join : array Joined frequencies of observations and model. modkey : array All frequency identification keys of the model. mod : array All frequencies of the model. Returns ------- key : array The extended array of frequency identification keys. osc : array The extended array of frequencies. """ key = deepcopy(joinkey[:2]) osc = deepcopy(join[:2]) # We need additional of each degree for ll in set(key[0, :]): modkey_gl, mod_gl = get_givenl(l=ll, osc=mod, osckey=modkey) key_gl, _ = get_givenl(l=ll, osc=osc, osckey=key) # Check we can extend if min(modkey_gl[1]) >= min(key_gl[1]) or max(modkey_gl[1]) <= max(key_gl[1]): return None, None # Find and append one below and one above for target in [min(key_gl[1]) - 1, max(key_gl[1]) + 1]: ind = np.where(modkey_gl[1] == target)[0] key = np.hstack((key, modkey_gl[:, ind])) osc = np.hstack((osc, mod_gl[:, ind])) # Sort by l then n mask = np.lexsort((key[1], key[0])) key = key[:, mask] osc = osc[:, mask] return key, osc