Source code for utils_xml

Utilities for handling of XML files
from builtins import str
from xml.dom import minidom
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, tostring

import numpy as np

from basta.constants import parameters
from basta.constants import freqtypes

def _get_param(vals, names, param):
    Short abbreviation for checking that requested parameter exists in input,
    and give meaningfull error if not.

    vals : list
        List of inputted parameter values
    names : list
        Header with names of the inputted parameters
    param : str
        The requested parameter from the list

    val : float
        The value extracted from the input
        val = vals[np.where(names == param)[0][0]]
    except IndexError:
        raise IndexError("%s not found in input" % param) from None
    return val

[docs] def create_xmltag( main, params, paramvals, fitparams, distparams, freqparams, missingval, intpollim ): """ Creates tags for xml input files Parameters ---------- main : str Name of tag added to the xml file. params : str Name of the parameters in the ``asciifile`` defined in :func:`create_xml` paramvals : int or float or str Values of the parameters read from the ``asciifile`` in :func:`create_xml` fitparams : str Names of parameters to be fitted in the Bayesian analysis distparams : str Additional parameters for the distance calculation freqparams : str Additional parameters for the frequency calculation missingval : int or float or str Value used to replace missing values in the ascii file intpollim : list List of parameters that require values from the stars to set limits in interpolation. Returns ------- main : str Name of the tag added to the xml file """ params = np.asarray(params) starid = _get_param(paramvals, params, "starid") star = SubElement(main, "star", {"starid": str(starid)}) # Special treatment of dnu and numax for frequency fitting # ++ Make sure to only add them once nuset = {"dnu": False, "numax": False} # Loop over fitting parameters for param in fitparams: if param in freqtypes.alltypes: continue # If fitting dnu*, get and save the observed value as simply dnu param = "dnu" if "dnu" in param else param paramval = _get_param(paramvals, params, param) if isinstance(paramval, np.str_) and paramval != missingval: SubElement(star, param, {"value": str(paramval)}) if (not isinstance(paramval, np.unicode_)) and ( not np.isclose(paramval, missingval) ): paramerr = _get_param(paramvals, params, param + "_err") if not np.isclose(paramerr, missingval): SubElement( star, param, {"value": str(paramval), "error": str(paramerr)} ) if param in nuset: nuset[param] = True # Handle additional parameters (without errors) for param in distparams: paramval = _get_param(paramvals, params, param) if not np.isclose(paramerr, missingval): SubElement(star, param, {"value": str(paramval)}) # Handle the special things for frequency fitting if freqparams and any(x in fitparams for x in freqtypes.alltypes): fps = np.asarray(["excludemodes", "nottrustedfile"]) if any(x in freqparams for x in fps): x = fps[np.isin(fps, list(freqparams.keys()))][0] if isinstance(freqparams[x], dict): if starid in freqparams[x].keys(): ntf = freqparams[x][starid] else: ntf = "None" SubElement(star, "excludemodes", {"value": ntf}) elif isinstance(freqparams[x], str): # Error handling SubElement(star, "excludemodes", {"value": freqparams[x]}) else: raise ValueError("excludemodes is neither a dict or a str") if "onlyradial" in freqparams: if freqparams["onlyradial"] in [True, "True", "true"]: SubElement(star, "onlyradial", {"value": "True"}) # Always add dnu and numax for frequency fitting if not nuset["dnu"]: dnu = _get_param(paramvals, params, "dnu") try: dnu_err = _get_param(paramvals, params, "dnu_err") SubElement(star, "dnu", {"value": str(dnu), "error": str(dnu_err)}) except IndexError: SubElement(star, "dnu", {"value": str(dnu)}) nuset["dnu"] = True if not nuset["numax"]: numax = _get_param(paramvals, params, "numax") SubElement(star, "numax", {"value": str(numax)}) nuset["numax"] = True # Handle interpolation parameters (special treatment of dnu; not add if added) for param in intpollim: out = {} gparam = "dnu" if "dnu" in param else param nucheck = not nuset[gparam] if gparam in nuset else False if "abstol" in intpollim[param] or nucheck: paramval = _get_param(paramvals, params, gparam) if not np.isclose(paramval, missingval): out["value"] = str(paramval) if nucheck: nuset[gparam] = True if "sigmacut" in intpollim[param]: paramerr = _get_param(paramvals, params, gparam + "_err") if not np.isclose(paramerr, missingval): out["error"] = str(paramerr) if not nuset[gparam]: SubElement(star, gparam, out) return main
[docs] def ascii_to_xml(asciifile, outputfile, uncert="quantiles"): """ Converts ascii output to XML output Parameters ---------- asciifile : str Absolute path to ascii file outputfile : str Absolute path to the output XML file Returns ------- pretty_xml : file Formatted XML file stored in the ``outputfile`` """ # Load ascii file results = np.genfromtxt(asciifile, dtype=None, encoding=None, names=True) if uncert == "quantiles": params = results.dtype.names[1::3] else: params = results.dtype.names[1::2] if results.ndim == 0: results = results.reshape(1) # Prepare list of params units, shortnames, remarks, _ = parameters.get_keys(params) # Make XML magic stars = Element("stars") for result in results: star = SubElement(stars, "star", {"starid": result[0].astype(str)}) for param, unit, shortname, remark in zip(params, units, shortnames, remarks): if uncert == "quantiles": resdict = { "value": str(result[param]), "error_plus": str(result[param + "_errp"]), "error_minus": str(result[param + "_errm"]), } else: resdict = { "value": str(result[param]), "error": str(result[param + "_err"]), } theparam = SubElement( star, param, resdict, ) if unit is not None: theparam.attrib["unit"] = unit if remark is not None: SubElement(theparam, "remarks").text = remark pretty_xml = minidom.parseString(tostring(stars)).toprettyxml() with open(outputfile, "w") as output: print(pretty_xml, file=output) return pretty_xml