Source code for xml_create

Creation of XML input files
from xml.dom import minidom
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, tostring
import numpy as np
from basta.constants import sydsun as sydc
from basta.constants import freqtypes
from basta.utils_xml import create_xmltag

[docs] def generate_xml( gridfile, asciifile, outputpath, params, fitparams, outparams, outputfile="results.ascii", sunnumax=sydc.SUNnumax, sundnu=sydc.SUNdnu, solarmodel=False, missingval=-999.999, centroid=None, uncert=None, plotfmt=None, nameinplot=False, odea=None, intpolparams=None, bayweights=True, priors=None, overwriteparams=None, freqparams=None, glitchparams=None, filters=None, dustframe=None, cornerplots=False, kielplots=False, freqplots=False, optionaloutputs=True, delimiter=None, ): """ Converts an ascii table into an xml input file. Defines the properties of the fit including the type of grid and parameters to be fitted. Parameters ---------- gridfile : str Absolute path of the grid used in the fit. asciifile: str Absolute path of ascii table of input values. The table should containing all ``params`` specified as an input (see below) and in the same order. outputpath : str Absolute path for all output of the code. params : tuple Names of the parameters to be read from the ``asciifile``. fitparams : tuple Names of the parameters to be fitted. These must exists in the list of parameters in the grid. These lists can be found in constants. outparams : tuple A tuple of parameters for which the results of the Bayesian analysis is printed in the ``outputfile``. outputfile : str Name of the output file where all ``outparams`` will be printed out sunnumax : float Value of the solar frequency of maximum power used in the scaling relations sundnu : float Value of the solar large frequency separation used in the scaling relations solarmodel : bool Activate solar scaling of asteroseismic quantities (dnu's). missingval : int or float or str Used to replace a missing value from the ``asciifile``. It can be an integer, float, or 'nan'. centroid : str Which centroid value of the posterior is to be reported as the result. The standard option is 'median' (the Bayesian 50'th percentile), the other option is 'mean'. uncert : str The reported type of uncertaities. The standard option is 'quantiles' reporting the Bayesian 16'th and 84'th percentiles of the posterior, while the other option is 'std' for the standard deviation. plotfmt : str Format of outputted plots, simply given directly to pyplot.savefig. Default is 'png' for quick figures. For detailed plots, 'pdf' is recommended. nameinplot : bool Toggle to include star identifier in plots, not simply in filename of plot. odea : tuple or None Specifies the input physics used to compute the grid. `o` : overshoot efficiency, 0.0 = no overshoot. `d` : microscopic diffusion, 0.0 = no diffusion. `e` : eta reimers for mass-loss, 0.0 = no mass-loss. `a` : alpha enhancement with respect to solar value, 0.0 = no alpha enhancement. intpolparams : dict Contains inputted settings for performing interpolation with BASTA. A single dictionary is given, but can be applied star-by-star. bayweights : bool Enable the usage of Bayesian weights across tracks or isochrones to properly take into account spacing in the creation of the grid and evolutionary speed. priors : dict A dictionary with the name of priors to be considered in the fitting {'IMF': 'string', 'param1': {values}, 'param2': {values}, ...} which defines the IMF used, and sets the absolute value of the tolerances for the selection of models in the grid to compute the likelihood. Accepted values are 'min', 'max', and 'abstol'. If not specified, all models in the grid are evaluated. overwriteparams : dict A dictionary in the format {'param1' : (value1, uncert1), 'param2': (value2, uncert2), ...} used to set a value and uncertainty for all stars fitted. It will overwrite the input parameters for the individual stars! freqparams : dict A dictionary containing the input for fitting individual frequencies or ratios. grparams : dict A dictionary containing control options for fitting glitches along with ratios. filters : tuple of strings If calculating distances to stars, specify photometric filters dustframe : str Type of reference frame for the dustmap. Possible options `galactic` : The default coordinate system. Input coordinates are expected in galactic coordinates longitude (l) and latitude (b). `icrs` : Input coordinates are expected in celestial right ascension (ra) and declination (dec). cornerplots : tuple Names of parameters to be included in the output plots. These can be any of the available parameters of the grid used, and can be found in :func:`make_basti` and :func:`make_garstec`. kielplots : tuple Names of fitted parameters to be indicated in the Kiel diagram. If all fitparams are wanted plotted, set to True. False by default. freqplots : bool Whether or not to genereate echelle- and ratio-diagrams when fitting frequencies. False by default. optionaloutputs : bool Defines if the additional output files are stored delimiter : str or None Inputted delimiter if asciifile uses a special delimiter not easily recognised by numpy.genfromtxt """ inp = np.genfromtxt( asciifile, dtype=None, names=params, encoding=None, delimiter=delimiter ) if inp.ndim == 0: inp = inp.reshape(1, -1)[0] # If missingval is nan, redefine it if missingval == "nan": missingval = -999.999 for i, inp1 in enumerate(inp): for j, inp2 in enumerate(inp1): try: if np.isnan(inp2): inp[i][j] = missingval except Exception: pass # Create main element stars main = Element("stars") default = SubElement(main, "default") # Add library path to <default> SubElement(default, "library", {"path": gridfile}) # Add output path to <default> if not outputpath.endswith("/"): outputpath += "/" SubElement(default, "output", {"path": outputpath}) # Add output file path (relative to output path) to <default> SubElement(default, "outputfile", {"value": outputfile}) # Add solar dnu and numax to <default> SubElement(default, "solardnu", {"value": str(sundnu)}) SubElement(default, "solarnumax", {"value": str(sunnumax)}) # Add solar model toggle to <default> if solarmodel is None or isinstance(solarmodel, bool): SubElement(default, "solarmodel", {"value": str(solarmodel)}) else: SubElement(default, "solarmodel", {"value": solarmodel}) # Add missingvalue to <default> SubElement(default, "missingval", {"value": str(missingval)}) # Add output stats types (centroid and undert) to <default> if centroid is not None: SubElement(default, "centroid", {"value": str(centroid)}) if uncert is not None: SubElement(default, "uncert", {"value": str(uncert)}) # Add plotformat to <default> if user provided if plotfmt is not None: SubElement(default, "plotfmt", {"value": str(plotfmt)}) # Add nameinplot to <default> if set by user if nameinplot: SubElement(default, "nameinplot", {"value": "True"}) # Add ove, eta, diffusion and alphaFe to <basti> if isochrone if odea: # Add <basti> to <default> bastielement = SubElement(default, "basti") oeaname = ("ove", "dif", "eta", "alphaFe") for i, par in enumerate(odea): SubElement(bastielement, oeaname[i], {"value": str(par)}) # Add subelement <interpolation> to <default> (if defiend) intpollim = {} if intpolparams: intpolelement = SubElement(default, "interpolation") SubElement(intpolelement, "method", intpolparams["method"]) if "name" in intpolparams: SubElement(intpolelement, "name", {"value": intpolparams["name"]}) if "trackresolution" in intpolparams: trackres = intpolparams["trackresolution"] for tag, val in trackres.items(): if isinstance(val, (float, int)): trackres[tag] = str(val) SubElement(intpolelement, "trackresolution", trackres) if "gridresolution" in intpolparams: gridres = intpolparams["gridresolution"] for tag, val in gridres.items(): if isinstance(val, (float, int)): gridres[tag] = str(val) if "resolution" in gridres: for restag, resval in gridres["resolution"].items(): gridres[restag] = str(resval) del gridres["resolution"] SubElement(intpolelement, "gridresolution", gridres) if "limits" in intpolparams: limelement = SubElement(intpolelement, "limits") for name, item in intpolparams["limits"].items(): for n, v in item.items(): item[n] = str(v) SubElement(limelement, name, item) if name not in fitparams: rules = np.asarray(list(intpolparams["limits"][name].keys())) hits = np.argwhere( [x in ["sigmacut", "abstol"] for x in rules] ).flatten() if len(hits): intpollim[name] = list(rules[hits]) # Add subelement <bayesianweights> to <default> if isinstance(bayweights, (bool, str)): SubElement(default, "bayesianweights", {"value": str(bayweights)}) # Add subelement <fitparams to <default> fitelement = SubElement(default, "fitparams") if isinstance(fitparams, str): fitparams = [fitparams] for param in fitparams: paramdic = {} SubElement(fitelement, param, paramdic) # Add subelement priors to <default> (if any priors are included) if priors: priorelement = SubElement(default, "priors") for param in priors.keys(): if param == "IMF": SubElement(priorelement, priors[param]) elif param == "dif": # Restrict diffusion in mixed grids if priors[param]: dif_switch = {"min": "0.5"} else: dif_switch = {"max": "0.5"} SubElement(priorelement, param, dif_switch) else: # Catch new-style IMF-type priors try: SubElement(priorelement, param, priors[param]) except TypeError: SubElement(priorelement, param) # Add subelement overwriteparams to <default> (if any global parameters) if overwriteparams: globalelement = SubElement(default, "overwriteparams") for param in overwriteparams: paramdic = {} if param == "phase": paramdic["value"] = overwriteparams[param] else: paramdic["value"] = str(overwriteparams[param][0]) paramdic["error"] = str(overwriteparams[param][1]) SubElement(globalelement, param, paramdic) # Add subelement freqparams to <default> (if any) if freqparams and any(x in fitparams for x in freqtypes.alltypes): freqelement = SubElement(default, "freqparams") for param in freqparams: # The following are handled in create_xmltag if param in ["excludemodes", "nottrustedfile", "onlyradial"]: continue SubElement(freqelement, param, {"value": str(freqparams[param])}) # Add subelement grparams to <default> if specified if glitchparams and any(x in fitparams for x in freqtypes.glitches): glitchelement = SubElement(default, "glitchparams") for param in glitchparams: SubElement(glitchelement, param, {"value": str(glitchparams[param])}) # We need to check these before handling distance input if isinstance(cornerplots, (str, bool)) and len(cornerplots): cornerplots = [str(cornerplots)] if isinstance(outparams, (str, bool)) and len(outparams): outparams = [str(outparams)] # Handle distance related input if ( ("parallax" in fitparams) or ("distance" in outparams) or ("distance" in cornerplots) ): # Convert to tuple if the user specified only one filter as a sting if isinstance(filters, str): filters = (filters,) if len(filters) == 0: raise ValueError("No filters were given for parallax/distance fitting") # Add to <default> distanceelement = SubElement(default, "distanceInput") BCfilterelement = SubElement(distanceelement, "filters") for param in filters: SubElement(BCfilterelement, param) SubElement(distanceelement, "dustframe", {"value": str(dustframe)}) # Add coordinate system to the individual targets if dustframe == "galactic": distparams = ("lat", "lon") elif dustframe in ["icrs"]: distparams = ("RA", "DEC") else: print("Illegal dustframe specified! Not adding coordinates.") distparams = () # Add magnitudes to list of parameters starparams = fitparams + filters else: starparams = fitparams distparams = () # Add subelement <cornerplots> to <default> cornerplotselement = SubElement(default, "cornerplots") for param in cornerplots: SubElement(cornerplotselement, param) # Add subelement <kielplots> to <default> kielplotselement = SubElement(default, "kielplots") if isinstance(kielplots, bool): if kielplots: SubElement(kielplotselement, str(kielplots)) else: if isinstance(kielplots, str) and len(kielplots): kielplots = [kielplots] for param in kielplots: SubElement(kielplotselement, param) # Add subelement <freqplots> to <default> freqplotselement = SubElement(default, "freqplots") if isinstance(freqplots, (bool, str)) and freqplots: SubElement(freqplotselement, str(freqplots)) elif freqplots == "True": SubElement(freqplotselement, "True") elif isinstance(freqplots, (list, tuple)): for plot in freqplots: SubElement(freqplotselement, plot) # Add subelement <outparams> to <default> outparamselement = SubElement(default, "outparams") for param in tuple(outparams): SubElement(outparamselement, param) # Add optional output files to <default> optoutputelement = SubElement(default, "optionaloutputfiles") if isinstance(optionaloutputs, (bool, str)): SubElement(optoutputelement, str(optionaloutputs)) # Create xml tags for all the targets in the input file for i in range(len(inp)): main = create_xmltag( main, params, inp[i], starparams, distparams, freqparams, missingval, intpollim, ) # Make the XML into a string: xml = tostring(main) # Make the XML pretty reparsed = minidom.parseString(xml) pretty_xml = reparsed.toprettyxml() return pretty_xml